New Pokemon EventS Announced!

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  • #46
Double post ... DX

Alright everyone, I've finally got my hands on two event 'Gigas! It's IVs and nature aren't preset, so it's possible to soft reset for one. ... Not that it's got any point, it's level 100 anyways. If you want a clone to activate the Regi event in Platinum, now's the time to ask!

In terms of the actual Gigas' information, everything is as assumed. TRU is the OT, and it's ID no. is the date the event began, 03089(3/8/09), and it's holding a Custap Berry. As with the japanese event, the special moves it recieves is Iron Head, Rock Slide, and Icy Wind, it's final move being a level up one - Crush Grip.
can i please have some event pokemon plz fc pearl 0527-3064-6367
plz can i have some event pokemon ill give you something good in return
email me to set a time. platinum fc 3566-7446-9037
plz reply as soon as possible
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  • #48
As much as I'm please to see this, please don't post in threads that havn't gotten a post in over a month, which applies to this thread.

This also isn't a trade thread, lol. PMing me would of been better. :p
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Don't care for email, we can communicate through private messages on here. :p
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  • #53
Beat me to it Fox, beat me to it...


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  • #55
Yes, there are new events; here.


EDIT: OH! I forgot. Did I announce the Secret Key Event for the US and Canada yet? >.>; Starting tomorrow, the Secret Key will be given out at Toys R Us across america, which lasts until April 26th. If you don't know what the secret key is for, see this link.

However, if you think you need to scramble to go to Toys R Us, there's no worry. Starting the 20th, wi-fi events will be officially given out in the US. Obviously, the first event you can get off of wi-fi will be the Secret Key, so no, you don't have to go to Toys R Us if you have wi-fi. This also shows other events will soon begin to be distributed over wi-fi! :D
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Cool. I hate going to Toys R Us.
Store with a 2 year old's grammar.
Yeah, when words fail to describe the dismay, there's always facepalm.
I thought the secret key event [wi-fi] was in september 2009

I guess not eh?
Mow and Wash Rotom FTW!

Anyone know if you can have multiple Rotoms transformed?

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