Pokemon Platinum

I beleive that's a "no less obvious" form of the question I just asked.
Falcon BUUUUMP!!!

Settled on a Modest Cresselia with 26-27 HP, 30-31 DEF and average S.ATK.
I'm happy with it. I just want to move on already.
Next up: Palkia! (I don't really care about Dialga since I still havnt played through my Diamond sooo...)
Then, maybe Heatran. I dunno.

EDIT:Caught a timid Dialga. 31 SPE and 23-24 S.ATK.
Pretty good for me not caring. Thanks Platinum...

EDIT2: Caught a timid Palkia. S.ATK is 29, SPE is a measley 13 but DEF/HP/S.DEF are in the mid-upper 20s.
I don't care.
My next move: Uhh...
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I know this is somewhat old, but I was curious, Who would be better on a team?
Steelix or Rampardos?
My team will include:
Infernape, Luxray, Gengar, Garchomp, and the hm slave tropius :p

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