Official Q & A Thread

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  • #61
Guys... Tell me. How can I send you those pokemons without passing them thru my diamond version... I do not want to mess up the game... The game that I second hand purchased, is a leaf green.

I went in that game to the Trainer Tower (because I did not remember what it was about) and a trainer sent a shinny espeon (only that trainer had a shinny...) That was too odd...

Well... tell me then, how can I send those legendaries? I'm not willing to connect a full game of bad eggs, and odd stuff to my diamond edition.

Monogatari said:
emphasis mine.

did you know leafgreen gives magbys, firered gives elekids? :p

if you want an elekid i'll hook you up though since i do own firered

Nah... I just want to fill pokedex... I purchase it just because several of my pokemon games are european (as I been there some years) and I needed it.

Can I get Gengar in the Old Chateu with that game attached?

The EV training will be faster.
Chicagoan said:
Can I get Gengar in the Old Chateu with that game attached?

Yes you can. FireRed or LeafGreen inserted on the DS.

Go to the Old Chateau and then to the room with a painting with "red eyes", there you have a Rare chance to encounter a wild Gengar.
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  • #63
Added new fresh information in the first post! Pokemon Links!!! Go and take a look.

Also, I will update it with the last (mine) question.
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  • #65
Do not go off topic, please :yesnod:

Everything goes awesome, thanks.

1st post updated
danny7147551 said:
Okay man, don't do that, that's even making it worse, thats spam again, just PM Chicagoan or someone saying that, that is again spamming.

Anyways, can someone name a good team? Also I need to know what nature makes what Iv's increase and decrease
Slimi said:
Also I need to know what nature makes what Iv's increase and decrease

Natures never increase or decrease Individual Values (IVs).
You get a +- 10% with different natures in 2 stats.

Not including 5 natures that are neutral to all stats.
Check the first page. Chicagoan put a link to a nature's guide.
OK i posted this a long time ago somewhere else(i forgot where) and no one ill just ask here...
At Jubilife & Eterna there is a lady blocking me from downstairs in the poke center and at other places she isn't.this isn't bothering my wi-fi or anything i just wanted to know why she is blocking me.
icyoooppplaa said:
OK i posted this a long time ago somewhere else(i forgot where) and no one ill just ask here...
At Jubilife & Eterna there is a lady blocking me from downstairs in the poke center and at other places she isn't.this isn't bothering my wi-fi or anything i just wanted to know why she is blocking me.

I thought that was a built in little feature of the game to hold you from getting a wi-fi FC till so far in...
Can you go to the GTS still?
oh you might be right cause in the begining of the game you need like 2-3 badges to get in the GTS...:drool:
Slimi said:
Also I need to know what nature makes what Iv's increase and decrease

IV's cannot increase or decrease, they are a set value that all pokemon have that cannot change.

Chicagoan said:
Can I get Gengar in the Old Chateu with that game attached?

i get gengars and haunters with Sapphire inserted, but the only room u can get them in is the room with 'the eyes'. I think its the second door from the right
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