Official Q & A Thread

Arcadium said:
How can I unlock the 3rd island?... not where Cresselia is, and not even the iron island... so... where?

I'll answer this a bit better, although i doubt you'll see it :p

there's three islands, one with somthing interesting [iron island]

and two just there for pokemon [Full moon island and New moon island, where they have crescella and darkrai, respectively].

Personally, i use full moon island for a good underground exploration dig site.

if you want to know more about the darkrai event, youtube for it and you can find someone walking through it.

Edit: to the post above this one, i recommend pressing select and reorganizing your backpack to put the repels and stuff at the top.

Major con of 4th gen pokemon games: everything is slower. slower battle squences, slower scrolling in items, and everything. i really recommend taking an hour and reorganizing everything in your bag. i love having everything there though, saves me a trip to the pc ;)
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Oh, the first three items in my bag are always
Max Repel
Escape Rope
Heart Scale (I like knowing how many I have)
And the last items are always power items....

add to my last set of questions

What is a good EV spread for a wobbuffet? 252 hp / 127 def / 128 sdef?

I'de like to have a ninetails useable, if not teir 1, then maybe teir 3 quality.
Special sweeper with
Flamethrower, Energy ball, Calm Mind/Nasty Plot, Substute/Dark Pulse/Extra Sensory
Item: Life orb?

And finely to add for my questions for the night
I was given a neutral natured mew; what should I do with it?
Strype McClaine said:
add to my last set of questions

What is a good EV spread for a wobbuffet? 252 hp / 127 def / 128 sdef?

I'de like to have a ninetails useable, if not teir 1, then maybe teir 3 quality.
Special sweeper with
Flamethrower, Energy ball, Calm Mind/Nasty Plot, Substute/Dark Pulse/Extra Sensory
Item: Life orb?

And finely to add for my questions for the night
I was given a neutral natured mew; what should I do with it?

Disclaimer: i dont work with the pokemon you stated much, especially the wobuffet. but i'll try my best to analyze them.

Wobuffet: It sounds alright, but if you can give him items i'd do HP up over defense/spec defense since HP will help in both.

I agree with the ninetales, except i dont like having nasty plot and other non attacking moves since they always seem to get me killed before i can adaquately use them [usually always get 2-3 shotted]. If they work for you, more power to you. I just hope his speed is quick to use them.

Neutral natured mew? depends on what you plan to use it for [a sweeper, or annoyance, or what have you] What matters as well as what level you got it in :p usually most legendaries arent worth EV training when they are so high.

Ayo said:
Read the rules, NO asking for rep

A personal message would've done, but i understand.
massi4h said:
A bad egg appears on your game from hacking, the game inputs it sometimes when you use hacking devices. Therefore the game has been hacked. If you B+UP+SELECT to delete the .SAV file it should be fine, but don't trust any of the pokemon on that game.

The specific AR function that creates bad eggs is believed to be the instant battle win cheat, if used 3 times (although others think that Gameshark use creates it). Either way it is,as Massi4h says, an indication that some kind of cheating device has been used.

Does it hatch? Hmmm. Maybe. Read this and make your own mind up. Personally I would not try to find out...just in case.

Clean start required.......
captainff said:
The specific AR function that creates bad eggs is believed to be the instant battle win cheat, if used 3 times (although others think that Gameshark use creates it). Either way it is,as Massi4h says, an indication that some kind of cheating device has been used.

Does it hatch? Hmmm. Maybe. Read this and make your own mind up. Personally I would not try to find out...just in case.

Clean start required.......
actually.. i have the Game shark...(useless now)(do not have the game)
it is the catch foes pokemon cheat... i have tried... it comes with a bad egg... and never hatches....i looked at its summary, and froze and deleted my game...
Ditto428 said:
whats the highest rank you can get in the battle tower wifi?

i believe the highest you can go is 100 wins, where you are presented with a ribbon. cant remember the name though, i'll check my book if someone doesnt answer this
Monogatari said:
Disclaimer: i dont work with the pokemon you stated much, especially the wobuffet. but i'll try my best to analyze them.

Wobuffet: It sounds alright, but if you can give him items i'd do HP up over defense/spec defense since HP will help in both.

I agree with the ninetales, except i dont like having nasty plot and other non attacking moves since they always seem to get me killed before i can adaquately use them [usually always get 2-3 shotted]. If they work for you, more power to you. I just hope his speed is quick to use them.

Neutral natured mew? depends on what you plan to use it for [a sweeper, or annoyance, or what have you] What matters as well as what level you got it in :p usually most legendaries arent worth EV training when they are so high.

The Wobuffet, well frankly, since you only realy have one or two choices in your builds (and really just one), I figure everyone needs to make one for use of its powerful stats.

Ninetails, I'm really boiling down to making it a substitute sweeper, or a pump sweeper, It has a good base speed, a good sp def, a decent sp. attk stat...and a workable move pool (It gets flamethrower, energy ball, and your choice of last attack, which is probly best used on dark pulse). That, and ninetails makes me happy, from the good old days of R/B/Y

The neutral natured mew, Well, its IVs are kinda piss-poor, [ 30 8 8 14 16 2 ]
a friend gave it to me as a thank you for some help I gave him.
I just dont know what I want to do with it..

That only leaves me with my above question about the kings rock, and syncronise
Chicagoan said:
I have a question. Yerterday I purchased a second hand Leaf Green edition. I checked the pokemons that the guy had, and he has some legendaries that seems legits and some lv100 pokemon. However, he has tons of eggs called "Bad Egg" What the hell is that? If I connect the game with my Diamond, will something weird happen? Or better I erase the game.
I always thought bad eggs were missingo eggs lol and they're like a really slim chance of hatching 1.
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I've updated the 1st post.

I will erase the game then, as there are tons of bad eggs (around 60-70) I checked all the pokemons, and all the legendaries are hacked... (except the 3 birds and deoxys)

Anybody wants them? I'm thinking in going to catch Mewtwo (I'm lazy to start that game, I just wanted it for elekids with elektricer) Or better I erase all?

What a cheater the guy who traded the game
Chicagoan said:
I've updated the 1st post.

I will erase the game then, as there are tons of bad eggs (around 60-70) I checked all the pokemons, and all the legendaries are hacked... (except the 3 birds and deoxys)

Anybody wants them? I'm thinking in going to catch Mewtwo (I'm lazy to start that game, I just wanted it for elekids with elektricer) Or better I erase all?

What a cheater the guy who traded the game

emphasis mine.

did you know leafgreen gives magbys, firered gives elekids? :p

if you want an elekid i'll hook you up though since i do own firered
Chicagoan said:
I've updated the 1st post.

I will erase the game then, as there are tons of bad eggs (around 60-70) I checked all the pokemons, and all the legendaries are hacked... (except the 3 birds and deoxys)

Anybody wants them? I'm thinking in going to catch Mewtwo (I'm lazy to start that game, I just wanted it for elekids with elektricer) Or better I erase all?

What a cheater the guy who traded the game

Can i have the birds and deoxis? i can trade them on the gts xD and can i have the Tms earthquake, shdow ball, and toxic if you still have them on LG and wanna battle :}

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