Official Q & A Thread

You'd be surprised how life orb rocks.

On a sweeper that you keep mixed move sets, that you can use good effective attacks against.

Oddly my toy blazekin does fairly well with it. Hit one swords dance, or without, it sweeps fairly well in the battle tower. Its not perfect but its good.
how do youll raise yout pokemon to lvl 100 and how long does it take to get them to lvl 100?
deadlydasher said:
how do youll raise yout pokemon to lvl 100 and how long does it take to get them to lvl 100?

(I answered your question before... on the EV thread, remember? :scared:)

Three ways to get to level 100:

1. Easiest way:
Use rare candies.

2. Hard way:
Equip your poké with a Lucky Egg and beat the league many times.

3. Hardest way:
Fight the Elite Four MANY times... it's not impossible!!

The time you'll spend raising your poké depends on which way you choose and how long you're playing pokemon!! :crazy:, after reaching level 70 (if you don't use candies :() it will be harder to get to the next level since it will need thousands of experience (you should use a Lucky Egg ;)).
danny u said this

Hard work to reach lv100, if you managed to get to lv70
you gained only half of the experience (in theory)

You should use candies or ...fight A LOT =P

If you want to fight lv100 Single battles "the system"
level up your pokes automatically to level 100...
(I think that's why you want to reach 100s

doesnt go in to much detaikls..fight alot..ok ill go to twinleaf town and fight bidoofs but rare candies tehy raise a lvl but dont give as much to skills so i toss my rare candies
daNnYshoTs said:
(I answered your question before... on the EV thread, remember? :scared:)

Three ways to get to level 100:

1. Easiest way:
Use rare candies.

2. Hard way:
Equip your poké with a Lucky Egg and beat the league many times.

3. Hardest way:
Fight the Elite Four MANY times... it's not impossible!!

The time you'll spend raising your poké depends on which way you choose and how long you're playing pokemon!! :crazy:, after reaching level 70 (if you don't use candies :() it will be harder to get to the next level since it will need thousands of experience (you should use a Lucky Egg ;)).
how bout exp share?
deadlydasher said:
danny said
You should use candies or ...fight A LOT =P
bla, bla, bla....

doesnt go in to much detaikls..fight alot..ok ill go to twinleaf town and fight bidoofs but rare candies tehy raise a lvl but dont give as much to skills so i toss my rare candies

:sick: Sorry, I agree with you. I should explain myself better.
Hope this last post helps you ;)

I prefer candies than fighting a lot... Choose what you prefer!!

Slimi said:
how bout exp share?

You're right it helps when your poke is at low level.
But Exp. Share divides experience, Lucky Egg doubles the experience.
I use the Exp.share for leveling weak pokemons not to reach 100s.
deadlydasher said:
what are IVs i knwo but cant reember i understand EVs very well but IVs

Here, follow this link: :)
Understanding IV's

I have an useful page for calculating IVs
if you need it tell me and I'll send you the link in a private.

(oww.. sorry I Double Posted. Just want to answer fast =P)
Chicagoan said:
I have a question. Yerterday I purchased a second hand Leaf Green edition. I checked the pokemons that the guy had, and he has some legendaries that seems legits and some lv100 pokemon. However, he has tons of eggs called "Bad Egg" What the hell is that? If I connect the game with my Diamond, will something weird happen? Or better I erase the game.
A bad egg appears on your game from hacking, the game inputs it sometimes when you use hacking devices. Therefore the game has been hacked. If you B+UP+SELECT to delete the .SAV file it should be fine, but don't trust any of the pokemon on that game.

Edit: go here to calculate IVs, it is the best site around for it Metal Kid's IV calculator
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Questions 1-3
What sort of multiplier do the type items give? (example: Charcoal. Spell Tag...ect)

What sort of multiplier do the Type Plates give?

Is their any advantage the items have over the plates, and should I just throw the items away as they are clogging my inventory.

Please use a #2 pencil
Fill in all the dots heavy and dark
Strype McClaine said:
Questions 1-3
What sort of multiplier do the type items give? (example: Charcoal. Spell Tag...ect)

What sort of multiplier do the Type Plates give?

Is their any advantage the items have over the plates, and should I just throw the items away as they are clogging my inventory.

Please use a #2 pencil
Fill in all the dots heavy and dark

-Answer #1, #2:
Arceus Plates, like other items such as Charcoal, Magnets, Mystic Waters, etcetera, increase the damage done by 20%, as long as they correspond to the specified type. This is a 10% increase from what the items use to do in past generations.

-Answer #3:
Personally, I think they're fine items to have, but if you can manage to get either the Muscle Band (20% increase in damage done by physical attacks) or the Wise Glasses (20% increase in damage done by special attacks), take them instead.

Copy+Pasted from a "googled" post :D
If you have plenty of the water plate, go ahead and chuck the mystic waters...since they have the exact same effect. Awesome. I would like the widdle down my inventory a little
Strype McClaine said:
If you have plenty of the water plate, go ahead and chuck the mystic waters...since they have the exact same effect. Awesome. I would like the widdle down my inventory a little

I agree, they forgot the PC Inventory in Diamond/Pearl versions,
now I have thousands of items in my bag... :prrr:

I hope that Fer updates the "main post" with these questions
many people (...even me) doesn't know this.
I Like the neigh infinite back pack (hey look, they put of bag of holding in Pokemon!) but seriously, allot of times you want the stuff out of your way, considering how many good battle items their are...power items...repel.....escape rope...ect

Next set of questions.

Does King's Rock (or similar item) stack with moves that should already cause flinching?

Does Flame Orb/Toxic Orb work with synchronize? (equip my Umbreion, then let its ability poison them?)

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