Official Q & A Thread

icyoooppplaa said:
OK i posted this a long time ago somewhere else(i forgot where) and no one ill just ask here...
At Jubilife & Eterna there is a lady blocking me from downstairs in the poke center and at other places she isn't.this isn't bothering my wi-fi or anything i just wanted to know why she is blocking me.

You need to have at least 2 Gym Badges before you are allowed into the GTS. That happened to my cousin.
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  • #77
OK Guys. That's it!!!

I been playing off line Pokemon Battle Revolution. When you beat all the Colosseum, you get some new game modes.

Well... I'm doing the Master Battles. I beat row 1, 2 and 3 of trainers... I'm in the 4th row...

Well... I always have a weird bad luck and the CPU an awesome luck... all we know what means that, but pity people will keep calling it just luck... OK... if someone can explain to me this situation, I will appreciated it:

Let's call this two pokemons:

The CPU used Rampardos Its max speed is 234. Holding Leftovers.
I used Starmie Its speed is 324. Holding Lum Berry.

Now, someone please explain to me:

How hell could the rampardos attack before than starmie? It was holding leftovers so quick claw is impossible. The other pokemon did protect (so there were nothing that could change rampardos speed)

How do you call that?

I never though that about Nintendo... Definitely... they lost a lot of points.
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  • #79
You can trade them to the move tutor. 1 hearth scale = 1 move. I can remember who is he.
Read the above post, everyone.
Arcadium said:
What is the heart scale for?

Well if you have 2 heartscales you can take them to a fatguy in Pastoria City. Then he can teach you anyone move your pokemon could of learned at lower levels but you didnt teach it the move.
I went in that game to the Trainer Tower (because I did not remember what it was about) and a trainer sent a shinny espeon (only that trainer had a shinny...) That was too odd...
Yes there is a shiny in each one of the 4 parts of the tower. If you wanna give people Leaf Green legendaries, delete the .SAV file and restart the game and catch em.
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  • #82
massi4h said:
Yes there is a shiny in each one of the 4 parts of the tower. If you wanna give people Leaf Green legendaries, delete the .SAV file and restart the game and catch em.

If I do that, I keep them for me (to receive something in exchange) But they want those legendaries, before the SAV file is gone. (As deoxys, two lugias, 1 ho-oh, 3 birds and a mewtwo will be gone)
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Chicagoan said:
If I do that, I keep them for me (to receive something in exchange) But they one those legendaries, before the SAV file is gone. (As deoxys, two lugias, 1 ho-oh, 3 birds and a mewtwo will be gone)
Too bad for you!!!HAHAHA j/k, you can probably trade it to someone and then trade it back, so you won't lose them?
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  • #84
Man... read before posting... Do not post just to increase your amount of posts.

I do not want those legendaries for nothing... I only want leaf green to attach it to my Diamond game. But as I'm going to erase the game, other people wanted those legends before I erase it.
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Well I'm completely against hacked pokemon (or pokemon on a hacked game), so I wouldn't even give them to others. If they want the pokemon for dex entries then you can trade and trade back.
whats better to you. The 6 power items or macho brace? the power items give 6 EVs to that stat HP/attack/special attack/defense/special defense/attack well macho doubles the amoutn of EVs given. so which do you prefer?
There is no situation in which the macho brace gives more EVs than a power item. Even if a pokemon gives one EV, macho brace will give two and power item will give 5. If there is pokerus, macho brace will give 4 and power item will give 10.

Only reason to ever use macho brace is if you need say 4 or 8 EVs vs pokemon that give one or two EVs (to complete EV training).
Power items rock hard man. They are absolutely the most important thing you can get from the battle tower. VS seaker, fisherman andrew, pkrs....just as an example, 60 speed evs. For beating 6 magikarp.
Kill a single garidose (sp) 12 attack evs

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