Official Q & A Thread

Why'd this happen, I faced Fisher Andrew 8 times (he has 6 Magikarp) each gives 1 in EV Speed, my Darkrai was wearing Power Anklet so I should get 5 EV Speed from each Magikarp, getting 30 everytime I face him, I faced him 8 times and leveled up, and then I leveled up Darkrai, and he got only +4 in Speed, though the last time I faced Fisher Andrew only 5 times and leveled up Darkrai and he got +20 in Speed.
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A very common and frequent question that worries all of us.

However, this goes here!

That is normal, keep good track of your EVs and you will see the results at lv100. Don't worry, with a good track of EVs, you will have a perfect lv100 ev trained pokemon.
klanham08 said:
How are you able to fight a Person more than once? I have never been able to figure that out...

VS Seeker does that. ;)

If trainers don't want to fight it gives you a message.
If trainers want to fight you'll see the "!!" mark on their heads.
Whta are some good items to use for a team. Alls I have picked out are leftovers. I'll be using vaproen,metagross,dusknoir,zapdos,regice,gengar.
@ samus
Leftovers, Choice Items, Bright Powder, Life Orb, ect....

Here is the full list of items in the game, your held items are on top. The ones I mentioned are the better of them. I'm Fond of expert belt (for a good mixed move pool poke, adds 1.2 to any super effective move) and the life orb (1/16th health in exchange per attack for 1.3 to all moves)

Edit: Dang, I got beat just as I was typing it
lol, thanks both! I like expert belt, but I don't think life orb sounds to worth it.
samus21 said:
lol, thanks both! I like expert belt, but I don't think life orb sounds to worth it.

Life Orb really isn't worth it. Battles usually aren't long enough, and you could use all of the HP you can have.

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