Official 'I got a Wii' thread

1st post-Got mine for Christmas, bought TW Golf '08-I love it. I have not been a large gamer in the past (NES-PS1), but the Wii is the coolest thing ever.
For about a year, I'd been hearing about the Nintendo Wii and it sounded pretty neat--like a console that I might actually consider buying. Something I could enjoy along with my wife and 4 year old, even.

I hadn't actually played one, nor shopped around for them, though.

At Christmas, I was at my sister's house, and she and her husband had purchased a Wii for their 8 year old son (and the whole family). I got to play it, as did my wife, daughter, parents, aunt, etc. After that I knew I wanted one! The only thing we played was the bowling, but it was *SO* much fun.

I've been checking pretty much every day for the last couple weeks (since coming back to work after a two week holiday break/vacation), and for the most part there were *never* any available anywhere. Occasionally a "bundle" would show up, but that included a bunch of games I might not want, plus it was usually at least $400 and sometimes as much as $600 - $700. The console alone is $250.

Yesterday, there was finally some action on a $250 unit. Sears ( had it in stock...then out of stock...back in stock...back out of I didn't manage to get one.

But last week I was on my way to my barbershop to get a haircut and stopped into the EB Games that's a couple doors down. To my surprise, he said that occasionally they *did* get Wiis in stock, and had even had some just a few days earlier. So I called Monday, Tuesday, and today. Today he said they had one (said he had more than one, in fact). He said they couldn't hold it. So I raced out of my office and to my car. Drove over there as quickly, yet as safely, as I could. They still had one! It is here in my office now! (Couldn't leave it out in the cold car!)

I didn't get the extra controller or numchuks, or anything else--so there'll still be an additional expense, I suppose.--but I'm SO excited! Not only can I enjoy the Wii, but now I can stop trying to get one which was a bit of a hassle!

I got ours today and a new tv to go with it. My wife one one on ebay and the guy end up being just 1 houyr away so we drove and got it.. Having a blast
jsnlong said:
I got ours today and a new tv to go with it. My wife one one on ebay and the guy end up being just 1 houyr away so we drove and got it.. Having a blast

Awesome dude, hope you have fun with your Wii:yesnod:
Got 2nd Wii today

After going to best buy today to get a new laptop, I left with a new laptop and my 2nd wii today. decided to get one for the upstairs t.v. instead of unhooking it all the time to play upstairs or downstairs.
After hunting the whole of last weekend, I managed to hold of one in GameStation last Monday. They'd had a delivery of ten that morning, and I managed to get hold of their last one in the evening.

I've never really been a Nintendo person in the past but the Wii really does knock the other consoles for six, IMHO. Never have I had so much fun playing a game. Nor have a felt so involved (just take Wii Boxing - you can't help feeling "inside" the game. Thus far I've bought Tiger Woods 08 (great game but the graphics aren't that fantastic - that's my only criticism of the Wii; its graphics). Next up, I plan on getting hold of PES 2008, Mario Kart Wii, some sort of baseball game, a boxing game, Top Spin Tennis 3 and maybe Lego Star Wars.
archibald said:
After hunting the whole of last weekend, I managed to hold of one in GameStation last Monday. They'd had a delivery of ten that morning, and I managed to get hold of their last one in the evening.

I've never really been a Nintendo person in the past but the Wii really does knock the other consoles for six, IMHO. Never have I had so much fun playing a game. Nor have a felt so involved (just take Wii Boxing - you can't help feeling "inside" the game. Thus far I've bought Tiger Woods 08 (great game but the graphics aren't that fantastic - that's my only criticism of the Wii; its graphics). Next up, I plan on getting hold of PES 2008, Mario Kart Wii, some sort of baseball game, a boxing game, Top Spin Tennis 3 and maybe Lego Star Wars.

Congratz on the Wii purchase, hoe you have fun!!:yesnod:
Hey could everyone here who gets a wii please post on the forum for people who havent found one yet what store you got it from what time and what day of the week?

Ive checked so many stores and cant find one im hoping for a pattern in one or two.
got mine this morning through Big lists of sellers and they post when stuff is in stock. Sears has a crazy amount of them in stock today. They actually are in stock right now 249.99 GOod luck hope you get one
Got mine a few days ago... been calling gamestop every day trying to get them because they are sold out within an hour of them being delivered usually. I have been calling every store in my area (8 of them) daily for a month and finally got one! This game rocks!
similar story to the guy above me, called every store in my area (6 of them) non stop for like 3 weeks and after school 2 weeks ago i got of the bus and walked into a ebgames i never seen before :wtf: bought the last Wii in stock along with SMG, Metroid Prime 3, and dbz tenkaichi 2
Finally got one, my birthday was the 7th. (I'm finally 16 now!) So now I can drive, have a blockbuster (and a game-pass) near me, and I own a Wii. I'm liking life.

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