Official 'I got a Wii' thread

I got a Wii.

Not saying how but I got a Wii for retail price with basically no trouble and its being shipped in a couple days. Woooooo!!!!!
I'm new here but....

I've been looking for a wii for the last month or so, after playing it at a neighbours. Called stores everyday to no luck. So I gave up for a bit. Yesterday, I go on craigslist, and find a wii for $290. Came with 2 wiimotes, 2 nunchucks, and zelda. I called them up, and supposedly someone was already on their way to pick it up. I asked if I could come right away and buy it for $310, cause they live about 10 mins from me, and they said yes !

So now I got a wii and its keeping me happy !!
Morrisons have loads, at retail price in the UK. £179 inc Wii sports. Got my Wii in October it is fan-blimmin-tastic.
I just bought Wii Play (my mum is 60 and loves the cow racing) and I've borrowed Mario Strikers, which is awesome.
I want to get some VC games, which ones do you think? I like sports, Doom type things and Adventure games. Any advice gratefully received.
Just got mine on Tuesday! I have been lovin' it. I can barely put down the remote long enough to come and contribute to the forum!
Got my Wii yesturday! Honestly, the decision to commit myself to finding one of these things, combined w/ the excitment level of hunting was truely an amazing experience. Now I have a Nintendo Wii and I can kill zombies (my favorite type of gaming!!!!).
After a relatively short quest, I got my Wii this week. I had subscribed to all the Wii trackers I could find, and came close a few times to getting a Wii online (but was never quite fast enough to seal the deal before stock ran out). The online dry spell over the last couple of weeks was getting me frustrated. Ultimately, I got a Wii at the local Game Crazy store. I had taken to calling the local stores and asking if they had any Wii systems. They kept saying not until February, but I kept calling anyway. Persistence paid off when the clerk finally said they had some. I jumped in the car, drove to the store, and now my family is the proud owner of Wii. The icing on the cake is that Game Crazy gives you 12 free game rentals when you buy a system.
After a relatively short quest, I got my Wii this week. I had subscribed to all the Wii trackers I could find, and came close a few times to getting a Wii online (but was never quite fast enough to seal the deal before stock ran out). The online dry spell over the last couple of weeks was getting me frustrated. Ultimately, I got a Wii at the local Game Crazy store. I had taken to calling the local stores and asking if they had any Wii systems. They kept saying not until February, but I kept calling anyway. Persistence paid off when the clerk finally said they had some. I jumped in the car, drove to the store, and now my family is the proud owner of Wii. The icing on the cake is that Game Crazy gives you 12 free game rentals when you buy a system.
Hey hey first post :D. Anyways I totally got lucky with my Wii. I didn't have to wait in a line or anything like that. I had no intentions on getting a wii until the craze died down a little bit. So the other day (friday) I was just messing around on and said hell lets just check to see if they had any by chance. To my surprise they had 85 in stock so I totally jumped on that and got myself one. By the time I was done with the checkout they were all gone. Guess it was my lucky day. Can't wait till I get it in the mail.
posterboy5 said:
I purchased mine Friday January 11, 2008. I usually walk in Eb games and ask to play there Wii but on Friday the employees ran up to me and said hey i have one if you want and the rest is history. I didn't come with a stand for the sensor bar or the Wii itself but hey who cares.

It didn't come with the Wii itself?!?!
Jersey_Mom said:
After a relatively short quest, I got my Wii this week. I had subscribed to all the Wii trackers I could find, and came close a few times to getting a Wii online (but was never quite fast enough to seal the deal before stock ran out). The online dry spell over the last couple of weeks was getting me frustrated. Ultimately, I got a Wii at the local Game Crazy store. I had taken to calling the local stores and asking if they had any Wii systems. They kept saying not until February, but I kept calling anyway. Persistence paid off when the clerk finally said they had some. I jumped in the car, drove to the store, and now my family is the proud owner of Wii. The icing on the cake is that Game Crazy gives you 12 free game rentals when you buy a system.

Wow, 12 free rentals! Like they need to throw in any incentive to convince you to buy the Wii! Nice Find!
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lol i bought mine just before christmas... no line..could get it right away! XD
i'm loving it... though it sucks that the prices for the games are pretty high... at first i didn't get my Wii connect 24 to work... but after browsing this wonderful forum i got the tips i needed :D coz the Wii site itself couldn't help me with my problem!

now i've gots to find myself some friends with Wii connections so i can play online! :p

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