Official 'I got a Wii' thread

I got one, about a week ago.. I was looking for one last year, but ended up buying a 360 instead. I started looking for one again just recently though, found one at best buy a day before my birthday :D
I FINALLY got mine today at target. go there at 7:50 am and they were opening at 8. i was 14th in line and they had 55 in stock. man is it fun. i spent at least 2 houes boxing. its a good excercise too imo :) already got another wiimote, resident evil 4, component cables off of ebay. all i need now is Mx vs atv untamed, zapper and another nunchuck. im so glad its finally over and im proud to say that im a PSWii60 owner :D
I finally got to join the Wii gamers yesterday. I found out that target was getting 40 of them in and the guy working electronics told me my best bet was to be there by 4am to wait in line for one. Well, not taking any chances I got to the outside of the doors at 3 and ended up being the first person in line. After waiting 5 grueling, cold hrs I walked out of there carrying my Wii:D
Halfpiped said:
I finally got to join the Wii gamers yesterday. I found out that target was getting 40 of them in and the guy working electronics told me my best bet was to be there by 4am to wait in line for one. Well, not taking any chances I got to the outside of the doors at 3 and ended up being the first person in line. After waiting 5 grueling, cold hrs I walked out of there carrying my Wii:D
Congrats! : )
I've got my Wii in a similar way, coming early and waiting heheh.
Do you wanna exchange FC btw? ; )
Got my wii yesterday too from Target. Got there about 6:15 was second in line the Target had 54 of them, walked out with a Wii, Wiiplay, extra nunchuck, and GH3. Already finished GH3 on easy working now on medium.
Hello all! I just joined today but I got my Wii last Christmas as a gift, I didnt play much of it since I was going to school but now I graduated Imma play til my fingers or arms fall out
got mine @ 130 in the morning....back in june my bro called nd said there were 2 at wallmart......sooo thats how i got my wii..
Congrats to Both Faberg and ablackguy, Welcome to the Wii owners Community!
If you are connected to the internet, Please feel free to Add me! (pm me if you do though.)

I just got my Wii system. I am so excited. i waited so long. One question. what are the sports games that i can play?
proud Wii owner

My boyfriend and I got our Wii in the beginning of February. It's been a lot of fun playing the Sports & Play games. I have Wii Wednesday now, my friend and my little sister come over and we compete in the Fitness and other Sports games.

I've gotten pretty good at making Miis too. I recently placed in 9th level in the Witch/Wizard Contest.

I would like to make Wii/Mii friends. I have my Travel settings on, my Miis are set to mingle, I just don't have any Wii friends. :( I don't know anyone who has a Wii.

Anyone else looking for Wii Friends?
Funnier Game System Ever

Congratulations! I got my Wii a couple of months ago and i had lot of fun.
Not the best graphics but the most complete and different gaming experience.!

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