Official 'I got a Wii' thread

Hmmm. My Experince

Well it started at the beginning of December. I wanted a Wii! So i went to Game Crazy and tried to get one. HA they did have any what a suprise. So i came home with a Xbox 360 Arcade. Had that for a month and it was ok. Went to Best Buy one day to see 25 Wiis in my face. I immediatley went home and packed the Xbox up. Came and took it back but they had ran out of Wiis in 35 minutes. Came home with the PS3. It was once again ok but game selection sucked. On December 31st (about a week after getting the PS3) i went to Walmart to see they had Wiis. Packed up PS3 took it back and went to Walmart. Walked out with a Wii with 2 year protection plan:wink: Finally. Let me say i LOVE IT. I now have Super Paper Mario. My advice to everyone wanting a Wii. Keep trying you will get one.
I have one hopefully coming in tomorrow or Thursday. I got tired of waiting outside stores when it's so cold out and sales staff being less than friendly (not that I blame them at this point)... Too disappointing waiting outside a store day after day only to be told no Wiis came in... So I turned to ebay. Wiis retail for $279 + 14% tax here so that puts me at $320 instore. So a pricetag of $339 + shipping for a factory sealed brand new with store receipt didn't seem so bad when you factor gas and coffee into the mix ;)

I must say I'm ridiculously excited! I haven't owned a game system since SNES (well, was shared with my younger bro who promptly put his foot through it when he got "HIS" N64...) I am especially excited for virtual console SNES games and have my classic controller already... Donkey Kong Country here I come!
My Wii story is pretty funny..

Let me first start out by saying that I am 26 years old, and getting married in June. My parents wanted to get me a "special" xmas gift this year because it would be my last with just them and not my future wife, so they actually went out looking for Wii's the last two months because they knew I wanted one. I never expected one at all, and was not disappointed at all to wake up xmas morning, and open up a box with an IOU in it from my parents. My fiance got me an extra controller and Mario Galaxy, so I was pretty content to just look at the box and pretend I had a wii..haha.

I get to talking with my mom and she starts telling me that her, my dad, and my fiance were all camping out on various Sunday mornings in front of all the stores that were rumored to get Wii's. What is hillarious about this is that my parents are not the type of people that would ever do something like this in a million years, so the fact that they were out there since Thanksgiving time was a Christmas present enough for me. It was extremely funny to hear them talking about how they would just miss out on a Wii because they were the 20th in line when only 15 Wii's came in, or when some guy tried to scalp a Wii out of his trunk to my mom after she struck out at Best Buy..haha.

Anyhow, I had 10 days off from work for Christmas time so I told my mom we were going to go on a Zelda like quest for the Wii starting Dec 26th (fully expecting to not be able to find anything).

Dec 26th we go out and find nothing. I was able to get an extra Numchuck, and the last copy of Zelda and the component cables at my local Circuit City. I was ok with this because I figured I'd need these anyways. Every store we went to told us that they wouldn't be getting any until Feb/March. I was pretty discouraged and was pretty much ready to accept that I wouldn't get my Wii until March or so based on how hard it has been to find them. On Dec 27, we woke up early and got ready to continue the quest. We went to 4 stores starting at 9 am and were told that they haven't seen any shipments since before xmas, and wouldn't be getting any that they know of until Feb. i was even told by some at Circuit City that they will only be on sale early Sunday mornings, and to just look in their flyer. We got to our 5th store (a Target) at about 10:00 am and walked slowly back to their display cases (honestly expecting more disappointment). There in the case they had Wii boxes that we figured were just display units- so we excitedly asked if they had Wii's, if those were them, and if we could buy one- they associate just smiled and said yes- took us to the electronics counter, and sold us the precious Wii. I guess they had gotten a shipment the night before, and had just put them out. We just got lucky!!! I went back to my house with my parents, set the system up, and we played Wii sports for hours--great time.

The best part of this story occurs the next day (12/28) when I get a call from my mom. Apparently her and my dad went to Best Buy to get some software for their home computer. Just out of curiousity, my dad asked if they had Wii's (I guess they had tried this particular BB several times on their quest before x-mas), and the guy hands my dad a ticket without saying anything else. To make a long story short- my parents, who have never played a video game in their life other than Wii sports, buy a Wii and are LOVING it...haha.

Thanks all for reading this novel, but thank you to Nintendo for making such a wonderful system that I can play with my family, fiancee, and friends.
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3 days ago i was at a mates place and we played his brothers wii, not expecting much from it. but we were very surprised with it to say the least. i stayed at his place after we went out for new years eve and we played the wii all day.

i couldnt stop thinking about it.

yesterday i rang around trying to find one, 1 shop was sold out but the second one i rang had heaps, so i hurried down to get one.
i bought a wii, component cables, recharge station, extra remote and nunchuck, mario galaxy, super paper mario and resident evil 4.

yesterday was alot of fun.
mrfizzer said:
3 days ago i was at a mates place and we played his brothers wii, not expecting much from it. but we were very surprised with it to say the least. i stayed at his place after we went out for new years eve and we played the wii all day.
i didnt expect much from the wii either until i plaed it round a mates on the
29th december
been looking for one like mad ever since :D
A.B.A-2 said:
anyone have a Wii u know what 2 do take the Wii remote put in your mouth & suck it and keep sucking it till it get really wet then stick straight up 2 your F'N ass
band me now losers
LOL. What the? I'll keep that in mind.. :shocked:

A.B.A-2 said:
LOL. if u hav 1 :lol:
I think I do. But I'm not sure.. :scared:

A.B.A-2 said:
ya u have but its not in the right place
" im leaving 4 ever suckers & it DOESNT MATTER IF U CARE OR NOT CAUSE I DONT CARE "
Have fun, doing "stuff" to your wii remote.. :wtf: :scared: :shocked:

A.B.A-2 said:
io dont have Wii would u give me yours when u finish from it and it would be cool if u bring your ass with it:lol:

give me few details about your self pussy
are u ***** or asshole
your F'N height
your F'N weight
your F'N age
tne name of your F'N sisters and brothers

and enjoy jumping on the remote
You like swearing don't you?:wtf:
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On every Forum theres always a person that does something stupid like that. Random and stupid.

anyways... I got a wii 2 weeks ago and I love it! :smilewinkgrin:
yeah unfortunately forums do tend to attract the slightly disjointed members of society. I suppose we should be grateful that they are taking there problems out on a computer rather than killing people in the streets, lot easier to clean up that way!
I have been hunting for a Wii for 3 months for family entertainment, with no luck. Well I was surfing the Net on Xmas eve and found 3 Wii in stock at John Lewis all bundled with Wii play, put in a order there and then. Had it delivered on 29th December and up running and conected online within the hour
If your going to try and insult everyone it pays to be grammatically corect.
outherwise you just look the looser you are.
e-bay for me ;)

No one is sellin em locally, and didn't really wanna wait indefinitely til they had em in stock :/
I got My Nintendo Wii of off Ebay in auction and payed £202.99 and i am really having FUN with it well worth the money
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