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Ima having issues saving the Zora's Prince. They keep burning up and the birds won't DIE!


I think I figured out what I was doing wrong.

Don't even bother with the arrows, but just the gale boomerang and try to keep as close to the wagon as possible. Just keep z-tagging the baddies, then the wagon and the bird.

That's the only way to describe how I did it.

It startled me so bad that I squeeked, rather loudly, in happiness.
You have to go to Eldin bridge and kill the Twilight dudes first. The a portal should open up at Eldin bridge.
Hi I don't have much experience with video games. The last one I owned before the Wii was Nintendo, and even with that the only game I had was Super Mario Bros. My question is if I buy Zelda on Wii, will I be able to understand how to play. Are there detailed instructions that come with the game that explain the basic moves? Looking for some help without wasting my money. Thanks.
I'm in Room 8 trying to free the 4th monkey, but my lantern is empty. Where can I re-fill oil or purchase?
Hi I don't have much experience with video games. The last one I owned before the Wii was Nintendo, and even with that the only game I had was Super Mario Bros. My question is if I buy Zelda on Wii, will I be able to understand how to play. Are there detailed instructions that come with the game that explain the basic moves? Looking for some help without wasting my money. Thanks.

It's standard practice for all modern games to come with an Instruction Booklet. Your most basic questions will be answered in there. Also most games give you a Tutorial, Prologue or briefing to help you get acquainted with the game.
you've gotta do a whole series of things. i believe it starts with taking a note from the barlady to a docter and its self explanitory from there.
Ok, Thanks. I've finished that part and I'm now in the Twilight level with the sol orb but the damn floating hand keeps taking it off the space.
Help asap

I'm stuck in Elde Inn in Kakariko Village and I can't get out!!!!! Been running around the bleeping thing so long my butt is sore. :-(
newbie needs help

Hi new at the wii, the game and this site.

at the begining before the first boss i think. where you have to hit the four fans with the boomarang in the shape of the z

what am i missing or doing wrong? hitting the four fans in the order of the z on the floor probably 50 times. gate shakes never opens. what am i missing here? plzzzz help! do the fans all have to b going at the same time? don't think that is it cause can't keep them going that long, certain way to hit fan? hitting at top where fan is, locking in on it. grrrrrrrrrrrrr

thank you

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