Help On Zora Temple


No.1 Smurf
Dec 5, 2006
Wii Online Code
Im at the start of the Zora Temple. Yes I do play Wii Sports more than Zelda lol :O

Anyways you go in and find that room with the Roatating Stairs
Then what?

Please help
I have a faint Idea but it justs ends me up in the same place. I need more Water Bombs I think lol
Not too be too much of a jerk....

Have you explored around at all? From the sounds of your post you haven't even explored yet, apologies if you have already.
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Yeah I have
Whats that chest in the middle of that room with the Swinging Stairs...

And I see I have to blow up one of those Rocks on the roof. So I'll sort it. If that doesn't work I'll reply...
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Skull. I found 20 Roupie thingys in that chest. After I raised the water
Thanks for the Replies I sorted it lol.

I just ran out of water bombs is all so I was stuck
How you put up a Spoiler alert thingy?
Wii_Smurf said:
Skull. I found 20 Roupie thingys in that chest. After I raised the water
Thanks for the Replies I sorted it lol.

I just ran out of water bombs is all so I was stuck
How you put up a Spoiler alert thingy?
All I got in the chest was a stupid rupee...

Spoiler tags [ SPOILER ] text [ /SPOILER ] minus the spaces.
Hi ! I got :mad2: in the same place. I jumped, stairs rotated. I know that I need to fill the room with water but I could not figure how.
Can somebody help pls ?

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