I need help!


WiiChat Member
Dec 23, 2006
Heeey I'm new to this forum, but I need help.

I'm going to sound like a complete idiot because it's probably so simple, but I'm up to the water temple, HOWEVER, I can't figure out how to get in to it!
Perhaps I've missed some info that I needed?

But I go down to the entrance and I have no clue how to get in. It's irritating me.
Can anyone help me on this one?

buy a waterbomb from either the zora by the temple or from barnes bombs .. make sure its a waterbomb .. then place the bomb on the upward water spout below the rock . the bomb floats up the water pressure and blows open the rock . then off you go into the water temple .. hope this helps buddy . have fun .. all this is at the bottom of lake hylia if you dont know
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Ahhh of course!! *smacks head*
I knew it had to be simple.
Thanks heaps!
its always that easy thing that becomes hard in this game lol . ne ways you have a long journey head of ya .. a good one to !
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I know, but I'm glad I have ages to go, this game is so good! All the Zelda games are brilliant.

Has anyone on here actually finished it already?
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I have finished the game and it says that u were supose 2 get a LINK Mii but the eejit must have been lying

What I Have

All hearts
All Poes
All bugs
Catched at least one of every fish
Have the 1000 rupee bag
Have the ighest Arrow and bomb bags
And the magic Armor(Which isnt very good in my opinion) :lol:
yeah i have heard its all a rumor .. im not looking forward to it . wouldnt use it ne ways.. i like playing with MY mii lol .
Danni said:
I know, but I'm glad I have ages to go, this game is so good! All the Zelda games are brilliant.

Has anyone on here actually finished it already?
Yup finished it last week. Great Game.

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