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Sparx said:
So...whats your problem? WHere are you stuck at?

Dude you really are making me laugh.......whats the about 5/7 entries back to find what the problem is......

Anyway ive now figured it out....having left the main story line. I had to go back to castle town and enter the bridge from the northern end rather than via hyrule field. Then kill the three big black things and bingo its now a portal. Thus i can then warp back to the desert and plonk the pillar back on the bridge.

What is really annoying is the fact that it made no difference to the plot...LOL....also at one end of the bridge(hyrule field end) there is a ladder in one of the towers but i cant get to it any ideas??

This game is so involving..i just cant put it down...:crazy:
You have to warp the big hot rock that is in goron montain to that frozenplace.
NintendoWiiMASTER said:
Hey i pretty much smoked Zelda if u need help with n e of the 1st 3 temples lemme know the father i get the more i can help it shouldn't be long before i beat the game ... i can help anyone up to the end of the water temple:thumbsup:
well i am stuck on the bit were you have the monkes
Hyrule Field - Killing Twilight Monsters

Hiii... I need help at Hyrule Field with defeating the Twilight Monsters.

I've seen the one tip that says to kill the Monster farthest away and then use the force field to kill the other two monsters but I don't know how to use the force field. If you kill two monsters, the 3rd one wails and rejuvenates the other two.

How do I use the force field? :mad2:

At this phase, Link is the wolf...I have no idea how to use the force super-duper stuck.


press and hold B, then release to attack. make sure not to mash the A button when learning new gameplay mechanics next time...
help- I have the key for the morpheel boss room and can see the door but the water is too low for me to get in- what have I done wrong ?
Same problem with Eldin Bridge

I'm having the same problem. I stopped playing for about a week and now I'm totally confused. I went to the desert, found the bridge piece, but there is no warp spot to Eldin Bridge. I don't remember where the bridge piece was taken from and I can't find it on any maps to try to go back and make sure the portal is open. Any help? I've been using a walkthrough so I don't know how I could have missed this..... help please! I've read through all the threads I can find on this site & others and I'm not getting the info I need. Sorry for posting about this but I'm stuck! Thanks!
I always use GameFAQs when im stuck. kinda hard to find a place (besides here) like that site w/ so much help that dont send you to another site...which is kinda nice that people are willing to post/repost things here
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