Need Help? Come Here

You know what confuses me? Why do you people post here and have to wait like 10 minutes for another post, when they could just go to the walkthroughs and get help instantly?
rob585 said:

Im in the desert sectuion of the game and im near to a big pillar and midna is telling me that the pillar looks man made. Now i assume that im supposed to transort the pilar to the eldin provence but reading from the net it say transport to the bridge of eldin but i have no telepot place called that in eldin provence. Any ideas??


You should have a portal there. That is where you fought the big boblin guy on the boar, and you should have a portal there. Are you looking in the right section of your map?

If you have the Wii version, the Bridge of Eldin should be on the left side of you map, if you have it for GC it should be on the right side. Also the Bridge of Eldin in in the same province as Karkaiko Village. If you can't find it, just ask me.

I put the bridge there yesterday, so I remember it very clearly!
Sparx said:
You know what confuses me? Why do you people post here and have to wait like 10 minutes for another post, when they could just go to the walkthroughs and get help instantly?

LOOK SPARX! I USE A WALKTHROUGH THING!!!!! Ok. Yes I spazzed there!

Anyway, I use a walkthrough thing, and I just can't remember what gate opened , well ya I remember, and I lit the thing to make it stop raining and now I don't know what to do next! Walkthrought thing help, but not all the time.

Just can somebody please Freakn' help me!
Sparx said:
Anyone here ever think of using Walkthroughs?
Uh, if you weren't paying attention to my last post, I do use a walkthough thing!

Walkthoughs don't always help you know, they don't always give you every detail!

Why do I even bother.
Midna101 said:
You should have a portal there. That is where you fought the big boblin guy on the boar, and you should have a portal there. Are you looking in the right section of your map?

If you have the Wii version, the Bridge of Eldin should be on the left side of you map, if you have it for GC it should be on the right side. Also the Bridge of Eldin in in the same province as Karkaiko Village. If you can't find it, just ask me.

I put the bridge there yesterday, so I remember it very clearly!

not playing at the moment but midna keeps on saying something about wasting her time...when you teleport should the bridge go back into its slot or do you have to do something else??
Well then you arent reading it right because the Walkthrough always worked for me. Try Gamespot or IGN.
Sparx said:
Well then you arent reading it right because the Walkthrough always worked for me. Try Gamespot or IGN.

Wow it must be really awful being perfect at everything how do you cope...:crazy:
What? I never said that. What I meant was maybe you should read it over, or better yet...Try doing it yourself.
rob585 said:
not playing at the moment but midna keeps on saying something about wasting her time...when you teleport should the bridge go back into its slot or do you have to do something else??
When you teleport there, the bridge will slowly float back on it's spot and you'll land on it when it's back in place.

I hoped that helped you!
Yeah but you dont just teleport you have to talk to Midna, not go to teleport or else she wont take the bridge with her.
Midna101 said:
When you teleport there, the bridge will slowly float back on it's spot and you'll land on it when it's back in place.

I hoped that helped you!

I must have missed something earlier on in the game as no matter where i teleport to after talking to midna there is nothing there for the bridge part to attach and when i return to the desert the pilar is still there!!

Anyway thanks for your help...maybe i just gotta go back and see what i missed, i have moved on in the game without having to do this move so maybe its not vital to the rest of the game.
What bridge? If your talking about Eldin Bridge (The big Stone one), teleport to Gerudo Valley, if your not there yet, dont worry about.

If your talking about the bridge near Kakakiro, just teleport to Faron Woods, I think south. Then walk up to the bridge and Midna will come up and she will ask you if you want to take the bridge somewhere.
Now even im lost...LOL

Im upto the desert section and there is a large stone pillar that you can first kill one of the poes. after this midna come out and tell you theat this is a funny place for it. And indicates that it would be best suited somewhere else. Thus i looked up on the net adn it says its part of eldin bridge. Thus there is my probelm, i can teleport with the pillar but not to the bridge??

It just returns to the desert eveytime....
rob585 said:
Now even im lost...LOL

Im upto the desert section and there is a large stone pillar that you can first kill one of the poes. after this midna come out and tell you theat this is a funny place for it. And indicates that it would be best suited somewhere else. Thus i looked up on the net adn it says its part of eldin bridge. Thus there is my probelm, i can teleport with the pillar but not to the bridge??

It just returns to the desert eveytime....
That's weird, it never happened to me. I don't get that. Maybe it's just a glitch, and try again a later time.

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