Mii Chat

Hey guys I still cant figure it out with this whole mii thing how do I do the parade I have registared some friends and even moved my miis to travel but still nothing whats up with that
Hey Wassup Im New To This And Im Likin The Kool Miis U Got I Was Wonderin If U Can Add Mi I Already Added U...........my Wii Number Is 6741-7214-9373-7115 Add Me As Quick As Possible Thanx
For the Mii Parade, you have to add people to your system, then after they create Miis and they are set the mingle they should appear in your parade.

Make sure your internet connection works in the system configguration section bit . And make sure both of you are regestered to each other.
Take a picture with your digital camera of the Mii from your television screen. next, Plug your camera into your compueter with (most commonly) a USB plug/port. When it's on your computer, then open up Photoshop and resize the picture so it deosn't take up a lot of space. Then, go the the site were you want to upload the picture and click 'choose file.' That should do it. :yesnod:
Love the Jack Black one but I see you already know that from the contest you won btw put your Mii on there
Is anyone willing to send me some Celeb Mii's? Please register my number shown to the left and PM me for me to add you back.


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