Biggest Wii news yet - Reggie's notes for the conference on the 14th leaked

unfortunatley i have to agree with arcadium the wrinkles are probably the same because they have been on top of each other and the only thing im cranky about is there is no aus release date but what im going to do is to on september 14 if i can get a feed or something ill read this thing word bye word and if the first two sentences are identical then we know it is real
I hope its real, as 175, with Wii SPorts, a Classic Controller, Wii-mote Numchuck would rock! Also Mario Party for the DS is SO cool..
Can someone just sum up these questions, I g2g:

What games will come with it/and/or controllers(according to this)?
Anything about online(according to this)?
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I hate to say it, but I agree with Sovieto. The pages are obviously photoshopped. You can tell, the wrinkles on the page are identicle, and the text isnt even bent with the pages, just a bit blurred. An obvious photoshop.

Also, how could these pages have been found? They couldn't have ever left the Nintendo offices Nonetheless scanned and put on the internet. And why exactly are the so wrinkled, pages dont always have to be wrinkled. And if you say someone trash picked it from the offices, that would be impossible, any important document regarding anything confidential, are immediatly shredded after being read.

Sorry to rain on everyone's parade, but these are fake :sick:
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Like FYI! it cannot be $175US coz Nintendo officially announced that it would be below $250US but above $190US but they said closer 2 190 so there!!! stop saying ITS NOT FAKE!! well it is fake. those guys in the chatroom were right!
It's fake, a person would think it would be funny if they typed a fake Nintendo document to stir up rumors on the net. The same pictures of this were posted on many other sites a couple of days ago.
Its deffinately weird, im feeling suspicious but im also feeling excited. I want it to be real but i think that in the back of my mind i know that its not. October 2nd would be ownage, 5 days before my birtday :) but the bad thing is that it SAYS that it launches in Japan, America and Europe but not Australia :( so that doesnt really help me. Still im hyped up because of this, i hope its not real, lol i will so laugh if we watch the live broadcast and hes speaching everything on the sheet, we can even then predict the moment he will pick the apple out of his pocket. Also, how could this be leaked? i dont think that something like this would be so carelessly leaked. Once again, i WANT it to be true but in the back of my mind i dont THINK that it is true.
Welll... my opinion.. reading through it.. yeah I think its real.. but the fact these papers happened to leak.. I don't think is real.
Maybe the fact that I want it to be real is making me think that it is..
Thats what I think
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nintendowiigaming.piczo said:
i actually do agree about that: that is exactly the way Reggie talks and would write

Thank you :)

I do agree that it would be pretty hard to get hold of a document such as this, but then again I think it is real for that one reason above.

Also, to the guy that said that would be easy to photoshop, why the f*ck would someone photoshop it? Wouldn't it just be easier to type it up (in word or open office or whatever) print it out, crinkle it up a little, scan it back in and upload it? That's what I would do if I wanted to make a fake document like this (which I don't lol!!!)

I saw this yesterday on , its so obviously a fake :)

Granted it does read a bit like Reggies E3 speach and is definitely his style.

He refers to the 'Nintendo Wii' , while upto now they've only ever called it 'Wii'. Also there's a few spelling mistakes.

Someone had waay too much time on their hands :)

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