Protect your TV with this Wii Strap Fix

LOL do people really actually throw there wii mote like that!??
haha i just got my tv remote and swung it hard like 5 times and didnt even come close to letting go. i think its just spastics who get a little too serious who throw there wiimote.
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WiiLink said:
Hmm...wonder if that means the ones you order of will be the new ones?
That's what I'm wondering too, b/c I haven't seen them anywhere to "buy" or anything. And that would be a smart move to just "discontinue" the thinner straps.
Am I the only one that doesn't understand why people can't just keep hold of the remote? WTF is wrong with people

Ha! I too think it's just ridiculous. It's the same people that sh*t there pants be cause they are too anxious to hold it that send wiimotes flying through air. If you have played the wii for so long that you feel your grip is becoming less than sufficient, take a bloody break. It's not like your wii is turning back into a pumpkin at midnight.
i just ordered 4 from nintendo yesterday and anyways i never let go of the wiimote i care for it more than anything
Wii_Addict01 said:
there is a whole site devoted to breaking wii straps

Retarded, someone actually has enough free time to make a site about that.

There was a NY Daily News Article which talked about the Wii straps today. They had 2 pictures. One was the wiimote breaking a TV and the other was a wiimote stuck in a wall. You know the force you have to use to put a controller through a wall? It's insane. Most of the people who broke their TV's or whatever probably never used the strap in the first place.

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