Biggest Wii news yet - Reggie's notes for the conference on the 14th leaked

WannaWii said:
Also why would you want it to be real? It is FAKE!!!!!
I don't want it to be real, I like the oct 2 release date but 175!
It should not be 175, it would be good in the sense that I have to pay less but it would turn people away from it. It would look preety cheap and inferior to people to see a sytstem 175 and then one 400 collars and then 600. Just going off of logic and if you knew nothing about the consoles. you would come to the conclusion that the 175 one is, preety weak and inferior. The 600 dollar one is the best but the 400 dollar one is pretty good and get that...
I don't think 175 is a smart price, and if nintendo released it at that price I think it would hurt them a bit, it should be like 250 that is perfect...

That is by far the stupidest thing I have ever read in a forum. Their is no way that price would hurt nintendo, in fact it would sell more, not counting the huge profits they are gonna make on the virtual console. See the way I see it nintendo can release the system super cheap so more people will buy it and of course make it up for by selling the vc games which isnt costing them a cent. So many more people can afford it and thus more vc games are sold. It would not look weak and inferior because of the price. The way any half decent person would see it is the wii is a bargain price for the next gen. Someone seeing the ps3 for 600 isnt going to be like wow that must be the best but like this is freakin ridiculous which it is. PLUS overall the reviews would determine if the system is inferior not the price:wtf:
It is not stupid, it is smart thinking. Thats why they won't sell it for that price. I know the wii is the best but the casual gamer knows very little about the systems. So many people have no ideal there is even a ps3 or a wii....
The average person has no clue about whats ahead. If they go in the store and they see nintendo at 175, and then Ps3 I bet they will conclude that the ps3 is the best but they will settle for the xbox...
Then there is probaly some people that would might think it is a diffrent kind of gamecube or something. It would just look very cheap and a lot of people would think it was not as good. Or they might would buy it with another system. I like the 200 dollar price.
you're joking right?

ZeLdA4LiFe said:
please tell me this is fake.....i cant wait till october 2nd.

are you serious?! have you even read any other posts on any other wii site? most of them are saying that the wii will come out in late october or november. i've even read november 12. you should be praising NOA for saying october 2!

(that is if all of this is true, which is highly doubtful considering the chances of an extremely important document like this could even leave the sight of someone high up on the totem pole are very slim. no matter how much i don't want to believe it, it's fake. but nonetheless i'm sure everyone will be happy with the news come sept. 14!)
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my god people high on the totem? ITS FAKE if your in a wii chatroom and believe its real youll be the laughing stock of the room
Sovieto said:
my god people high on the totem? ITS FAKE

i was agreeing that it's fake... that was the point of my statement in the ()'s. I'm saying i wish it was true but the chances of that are slim to none. Basically i know it's fake. But doesnt mean i can't wish, right?

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