LOST Season 5

Another interesting episode. So I'm guessing the Oceanic Six were teleported back to Dharma times, while Ben and Locke's body stayed on the plane as it crashed? And is it just me or are the John = Jesus analogies getting a bit tired now?
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I couldn't understand why Ben killed him and didn't allow him to commit suicide. Is it because John wasn't supposed to commit suicide? Or did something John said upset Ben?
I don't think so. I would be incredibly disappointed if Ben and Locke were in a different time frame from the others. First, it seems more likely that the island is moving in time rather than the people themselves, because the island did disappear and because Eliose mentioned that it's always moving. Second, Locke was playing the role of Jack's dad and, seeing as he's followed suit with everything Jack's dad did on the island (namely coming back to life), I'm pretty sure they're in the same time, just different areas (Oceanic six got teleported, the rest crashed).
I'm personally thinking they're in a different time. Remember during one of the flashes they went back to the camp and found an Ajira water bottle? The Losties' beach camp was still there, so it had to be later than 2004.

I couldn't understand why Ben killed him and didn't allow him to commit suicide. Is it because John wasn't supposed to commit suicide? Or did something John said upset Ben?
Evidently it had something to do with mentioning Eloise. Maybe Ben knew about the proxy thing, and just needed to know where to go, or Ben didn't want him in contact with her for some reason.
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  • #185
I'm personally thinking they're in a different time. Remember during one of the flashes they went back to the camp and found an Ajira water bottle? The Losties' beach camp was still there, so it had to be later than 2004.

Evidently it had something to do with mentioning Eloise. Maybe Ben knew about the proxy thing, and just needed to know where to go, or Ben didn't want him in contact with her for some reason.

Oh, makes sense.
Yea, alla the losties are in Dharma time (Save Locke and Ben).

This might be obvious but Ben being hurt by the crash= wasn't suppose to go back?
Yea, alla the losties are in Dharma time (Save Locke and Ben).

This might be obvious but Ben being hurt by the crash= wasn't suppose to go back?
Perhaps not necessarily "not supposed to come back", just "didn't need to come back". Ben wasn't on Flight 815, after all.
First, I'd just like to point out that I called all that about Widmore being in charge of the island and Ben f***ing him over! I can't be arsed checking if it's in here, but I bet you it got lost in the crash!

Onto the latest episode. I'd like to say I rather enjoyed it. Napalm, can I ask what makes you think that the Oceanic Six, and Locke and Ben are in a different time zone?

I suppose the one thing that I really want to know is why Ben killed Locke after hearing he knew Elouise. Also, does anyone know how Locke knows of Elouise? I either don't remember, or it hasn't been said.

Interesting development on the two new characters (can't remember their names and can't be arsed to check, was it Caesar and Alana?), I wonder what they are significant for. At the very beginning I thought Caesar was in the Church routing through the draws and that.
Methinks that Ben wanted Locke to die, but first had to get useful info out of him before he killed him (like Jin's wedding ring and who Eloise Hawking is).
Onto the latest episode. I'd like to say I rather enjoyed it. Napalm, can I ask what makes you think that the Oceanic Six, and Locke and Ben are in a different time zone?
Read this bit again: "I'm personally thinking they're in a different time. Remember during one of the flashes they went back to the camp and found an Ajira water bottle? The Losties' beach camp was still there, so it had to be later than 2004."

So basically, the Losties didn't build the camp until 2004, so the Ajira group had to arrive later than that. What I think happens is this: at some point in the future a group of people from the Ajira camp set out in the canoes, find the Losties' abandoned camp, then get out and explore inland. Locke, Sawyer and co. arrive shortly afterward during a time-flash, steal one of the canoes, and some of the Ajira group chase after them.

I suppose the one thing that I really want to know is why Ben killed Locke after hearing he knew Elouise. Also, does anyone know how Locke knows of Elouise? I either don't remember, or it hasn't been said.
Ghost-Christian (Jack's dad) told him back in the episode before last.

Interesting development on the two new characters (can't remember their names and can't be arsed to check, was it Caesar and Alana?), I wonder what they are significant for. At the very beginning I thought Caesar was in the Church routing through the draws and that.
Caesar and Ilana, I believe. And yeah, that beginning had me thinking he was in Eloise's church as well.
Destiny, there should be a rule against your sig.

And don't worry, I mean this in the most flattering way possible.
Anybody alse recognize Caesar?
He also played a character in Vantage Point, which happens to also feature Matthew Fox, aka Jack Shephard.
Anybody alse recognize Caesar?
He also played a character in Vantage Point, which happens to also feature Matthew Fox, aka Jack Shephard.

Well yes, but I recognize him more from Kite Runner, which was one for my favorite books (an a good movie as well). Hes bee in a few pretty big movies actually, I'm sure most people recognized him from somewhere or another.

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