LOST Season 5

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All I have to say is that I can't wait for the final season. Too bad it's ages from now.
This episode really made me think. I think the Smoke Monster is different than "Anti-Jacob", but I think all of these Island deities are all interconnected somehow.

2010 can't come soon enough >.<
Anyone notice Jacob was cooking a red herring in the opening scene? Is this meant to imply the Black Rock isn't significant?

And speaking of the opening, anyone want to guess why there's a giant statue of Sobek (a god of the Nile in ancient Egypt) in the South Pacific?
Anyone notice Jacob was cooking a red herring in the opening scene? Is this meant to imply the Black Rock isn't significant?

And speaking of the opening, anyone want to guess why there's a giant statue of Sobek (a god of the Nile in ancient Egypt) in the South Pacific?

Interesting! Very interesting.

And no idea, I've been wondering though.
Anyone notice Jacob was cooking a red herring in the opening scene? Is this meant to imply the Black Rock isn't significant?

And speaking of the opening, anyone want to guess why there's a giant statue of Sobek (a god of the Nile in ancient Egypt) in the South Pacific?

Yeah that also made me wonder, that's quite odd.

Also, I'm sure the statue will be explained next season. Maybe it got transported there somehow. Rather, seeing as how Jacob lived there, maybe he built it himself? 0_o
Yeah I was also thinking the smoke monster was Locke, since Ben was talking to his dead daughter when they went to visit the smoke monster; the monster (assuming Alex was the monster) told Ben to do whatever Locke told him (which the Locke who was alive), and since Locke was the smoke monster, he probably wanted Jacob dead.

If this is all true, I'm kind of disappointed the real Locke is dead. He was a great character in the series and probably once they figure out the smoke monster is the Locke who is roaming the island now, they'll probably kill of the smoke monster, which in turn kills off Locke. :(

Also, does this mean that Jack, Kate, Sawyer, Miles, etc are all dead now if the bomb did detonate? Too many dead Losties.

They better explain the back story more on this whole Jacob ordeal. They introduce and kill the guy in the same episode!? Not cool.

Ok heres how it is. You're right Locke is the smoke monster and they will kill him off because

Smoke Monster From 'Lost' Given Own Primetime Spin-Off Series

lol classic catchphrases like "Brrrrr, chk-chk-chk-chk, muuuuuuuuuuuuaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrhhh,"
I saw that on The Onion a few days ago :)

I'm glad that some of you think Locke is the Smoke Monster.
I can't either. The reason I came back to WiiChat was actually to begin advertising a season 6 fan fiction that I was preparing, but the plans for that fell through :(
I've had a change of heart.

I am thinking about continuing the fan fiction. It's not set in stone, but I at least want to see how it will go for the first few episodes. Anyway, this was the advertisement that I used before:
I am looking for someone to help me in producing a Lost fan fiction. I will be doing the writing, but I need someone to aid in various aspects of its production, including devising a storyline, maintaining consistency with Lost canon and critiquing the content and style of written material. This person would have notable influence on the final product and would be accredited with aiding in its production while having a minimal workload. If you’re interested, please contact me via PM.
I just thought I would ask you guys before going elsewhere. I may also need one or more people to serve as editors and to suggest changes to not-yet-released episodes that will be distributed to them before anyone else.

I totally understand the mindset that you want to know where I stand on certain theories to know if we can work together. Generally speaking, I've adopted the Mr. X (AKA Jacob's adversary)=Locke=Smokey theory, I don't necessarily think Mr. X is a bad person, and I don't think that Jack or anyone else has directly changed anything concerning the past, present, or future.

Anyway, we're going to need to communicate a lot so it would be preferable if you were online at least a few times per week. If you're interested in any position, please PM me.
So I've just watched Friday Night with Jonathan Ross (last nights episode) and Michael Fox was on it. Not really much to say as he was tight lipped on everything, but they start filming the final season in August, and finish in April, which is when the show will finish. That's possibly already known, but the one interesting thing that he did say is that he knows the final image of the show. He said absolutely nothing about it, and Jonathan was quite persistent, but God damn I can't wait for that image. You just know it's going to blow you away.

Also, in an initiation for something in college, Michael got spanked. Lmao, gutted.
i think Jacob is going to come back to life. something having to do with a pheniox raising from ashes cause Jacob was kicked into the fire...

who do you guys think Jacob meant when he said "they're coming"?

there is really 2 options...

A) Ilana and her group with Locke's body ("they're coming to expose you as not being the real Locke")

B) Jack and the other time travellers ("they're coming to help me")

i think it's B just cause A would make it to obvious, and as you guys probably know nothing obvious happens in LOST.

also i think that Jacob "touching" Jack, Kate, Sawyer, etc means that they are part of his team. so that may have to do with why i think he means the LOSTies.

Rose and Bernard are Adam and Eve right?

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