LOST Season 5

i think the biggest give away that they are in a different time is that caesar was flicking through a dharma hand book (which he wouldnt have got his hands on in dharma time) and jin was driving around in the combi van that hurley trashed in last season(?)
I'm pretty sure the van was proof positive that they're at LEAST not in their own time, and DHARMA's time seems the most realistic choice.
So it seems the show is shifting.

Its shifting towards an inevitable confrontation between Ben and Whidmore...the two manipulating powers.

Thoughts on how that will play out?
No idea, Brizer! They're doing a good job at making it extremely difficult to find out which side is the "good" side...Charles or Ben. Both are so enigmatic in their own ways that it's near-impossible to make an educated guess.

Am I the only one who got pissed that Abaddon died? I was really beginning to like the guy as a character. He had a unique role played among the characters. Then he just dies out of nowhere!! Soo lame. I'm hoping Abbadon might come back somehow, but I think this is just me grasping blindly at straws...so it probably won't happen.
I agree, I had begin to like Abaddon. I was a bit conflicted when he died as well.

Concerning who is "good and "evil, I don't think that is the way we should be defining the two of them. I think they are both evil, as they have both done terrible things and tried to manipulate people. They both want control of the island and both were willing to kill an manipulate to do so. I think its a clash of two evil powers, the unstoppable force and the immovable object. The losties will just get caught in the middle of it all.

PLUS, what about Walt's dream. He said he had dreamed Locke was on the island, in a suit, and everyone around him wanted to hurt him. That seemed a bit strange, any thoughts on how that will play out as well?
PLUS, what about Walt's dream. He said he had dreamed Locke was on the island, in a suit, and everyone around him wanted to hurt him. That seemed a bit strange, any thoughts on how that will play out as well?
Sounds like the Ajira group are going to get peeved at Locke for some reason. Maybe they'll learn the Oceanic Six were intending to do?
What are the Oceanic 6 trying to do...get back to the island? Why would they be peeved about that? That they were "caught in the middle"? I guess that makes sense, but why would they only be peeved at Locke, when we know next episode they get back together with everyone, right?
On that same subject, was anyone else a little disappointed with Locke's lack of concern for Walt's dream? He said something along the lines of, "Well then it's good it was just a dream." You could say that Locke made note of it and that he just didn't want to worry Walt by bringing it up right then, but that doesn't really seem like John. It seemed like the writers forgot for a moment that Locke was the one on the island who realized that Walt was special in the first place.
What are the Oceanic 6 trying to do...get back to the island? Why would they be peeved about that? That they were "caught in the middle"? I guess that makes sense, but why would they only be peeved at Locke, when we know next episode they get back together with everyone, right?
Getting back together next episode? Not if they're in different time periods (see previous posts). And of course, there could be any number of other reasons why the Ajira group might get angry at Locke. Maybe they'll grow suspicious due to the fact that they didn't see him on the plane.

Given his track record, he's bound to do something eventually to get them mad at him.

By the way, did anyone else notice a problem with this timing of events? When Locke is about to commit suicide, Ben mentions that Jack bought a ticket to Sydney. But when Jack talks to Kate in the season 3 finale a few days after Locke's death, he implies he's been doing this for weeks. So either we have a continuity error, or Jack was more willing to go back than he suggested to Locke.
Jack flew round trip from LA to Sidney for years. They made it clear he had bee trying to go back but wouldn't admit it a while ago.

Plus, on the coming next week preview they show the losties meeting up.
On that same subject, was anyone else a little disappointed with Locke's lack of concern for Walt's dream? He said something along the lines of, "Well then it's good it was just a dream." You could say that Locke made note of it and that he just didn't want to worry Walt by bringing it up right then, but that doesn't really seem like John. It seemed like the writers forgot for a moment that Locke was the one on the island who realized that Walt was special in the first place.

It is surely like John.

If you think about it, the entire conversation didn't show John acting typical. He just didn't want to burden Walt with any hints of interest in The Island, which includes Walt's premonition...so he pretended the premonition/dream was insignificant out of respect to Walt. Like he said to Abaddon afterwards, he doesn't think Walt deserves to be involved with the Island anymore now that he is living a normal life.

Guarantee that John was actually interested, and that he will recall this dream in the future.

I agree, I had begin to like Abaddon. I was a bit conflicted when he died as well.

Concerning who is "good and "evil, I don't think that is the way we should be defining the two of them. I think they are both evil, as they have both done terrible things and tried to manipulate people. They both want control of the island and both were willing to kill an manipulate to do so. I think its a clash of two evil powers, the unstoppable force and the immovable object. The losties will just get caught in the middle of it all.

Great theory. I like this one better than mine.
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And yeah, I just rewatched it. Two things to note:
1. When Widmore and Locke are talking for the first time, Widmore is suprised to hear that Ben left the island before Locke. With Widmore having that camera and all, shouldn't he have known this? I've been trying to calculate the time differences, but even if it was three years before, Widmore would have had his entire life to set this camera up. Doesn't make much sense.
2. In the preview for next week, it does indeed show Ben standing behind Sun in one seen. I don't really understand the thought that they're in different times, but I think this is pretty much proof that, regardless, they're going to meet up.
I don't think Ben ended up in the same place as John did. I might be mistaken but I didn't think that was the case.
2. In the preview for next week, it does indeed show Ben standing behind Sun in one seen. I don't really understand the thought that they're in different times, but I think this is pretty much proof that, regardless, they're going to meet up.
Maybe we're in for some more time-travel/flashforward/flashback shenanigans? Maybe Jack, Hurley, and Kate time-travelled while Sun didn't? Maybe it's Ben from the past (remember, he grew up there) behind Sun? Yeah, it's a bit farfetched, but Lost usually is farfetched.

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