LOST Season 5

Great episode.
No big new surprises on my part (we already knew almost certainly that Eloise was Faraday's mom), although Charlotte's death really saddened me. Not because I like her (to be honest, she really didn't seem that important and rather obnoxious) but Faraday's cool, and he said he loved her.
Poor Faraday :(
Woah. Crazy episode.

How did Ben talk to Locke when he turned the wheel if he supposedly had to die after the wheel was turned again by Locke? This is getting funky.
Locke went to visit the Oceanic Six as Jeremy Bentham, so presumably Ben went to see him while he was at it. If you meant Ben had to die, I'm pretty sure no one said that.

I wonder, now Locke is off the Island, will he be paralysed again?

Sucks about Charlotte dying without learning much about her, but at least she managed to tell us some stuff about her past, which is at least better than what happened to Libby.
Woah. Crazy episode.

How did Ben talk to Locke when he turned the wheel if he supposedly had to die after the wheel was turned again by Locke? This is getting funky.

Also found it surprising Charlotte died in this episode. Also, how she said that she thinks it was Faraday who told her never to come back her, or she'd die. Does that mean that what happens during those flashes really does affect the future? I'm assuming another flash in a future episode will include a childhood version of Charlotte.

Based on what Christian(Jacob?) told Locke, I'm assuming the flashes will stop now that Locke has turned the wheel. And we saw that they are in a pre-Dharma time period since the Orchid station had not been built yet. This ties in perfectly with how we saw Faraday taking a peek at the Orchid construction in the first episode of the season. It also fits with what Charlotte told Farady before she tied. Faraday will encounter child-Charlotte when she arrives with the Dharma group. Considering the amount of time involved in those events (Charlotte said Daniel was old when she was a child), I don't think they're going to be flashing around any more.
An excellent episode and again, with more answers than questions, I think. Having just watched it, I can't think of anything to say/ask that other people haven't mentioned.
Based on what Christian(Jacob?) told Locke, I'm assuming the flashes will stop now that Locke has turned the wheel. And we saw that they are in a pre-Dharma time period since the Orchid station had not been built yet. This ties in perfectly with how we saw Faraday taking a peek at the Orchid construction in the first episode of the season. It also fits with what Charlotte told Farady before she tied. Faraday will encounter child-Charlotte when she arrives with the Dharma group. Considering the amount of time involved in those events (Charlotte said Daniel was old when she was a child), I don't think they're going to be flashing around any more.
I understand and agree with most of what you've said here, however, I'm pretty sure that when Locke pushed the wheel that it shifted time one last time. Don't get me wrong, I actually hope I'm incorrect because I'd love to get to know Dharma better, but I'm pretty sure that's what happened.
I'm guessing it shifted to when Dharma was being built (perhaps construction on the Orchid Station has already begun). Judging by the fact that the rope was still there from the well, They've gone forward from the time period they were in. I'm expecting to see Dharma just getting on the Island at this point.
Wait, so you guys don't think they shifted? I had pretty much assumed they shifted one last time when Locke pushed the wheel. Even before he did it, it seemed logical, and then I'm pretty sure it made the noise when he did. Regardless, I hope they go to the days of the Dharma initiative. The only thing that was worth watching in the present was Locke's ruling over the Others, but Locke's gone now.

I must give you credit, Napalm, I've adopted your theory that Miles is the baby in the premier as fact. It fits 100%. Miles has been there the second longest, however, because he hasn't experienced any further symptoms, it seems as though he hasn't been there much longer than the Oceanic 815ers. Furthermore, Miles has shown on multiple occasions that he has no idea he's been to the island before. It's pretty obvious, in my eyes, that the baby was Miles and that he was taken off the island with someone after only being there a short time. I will be severely disappointed if that's all wrong, but I don't see it happening.
I'm guessing it shifted to when Dharma was being built (perhaps construction on the Orchid Station has already begun). Judging by the fact that the rope was still there from the well, They've gone forward from the time period they were in. I'm expecting to see Dharma just getting on the Island at this point.
I'm not sure the rope proves anything. I was under the impression that any objects they are touching during a flash time travel with them (e.g. the compass, the canoe, their clothes).

Wait, so you guys don't think they shifted? I had pretty much assumed they shifted one last time when Locke pushed the wheel. Even before he did it, it seemed logical, and then I'm pretty sure it made the noise when he did. Regardless, I hope they go to the days of the Dharma initiative. The only thing that was worth watching in the present was Locke's ruling over the Others, but Locke's gone now.
I think it shifted one last time when Locke pulled it, but that doesn't explain why he still needs/needed (damn time difference) to bring back the Oceanic Six.

I must give you credit, Napalm, I've adopted your theory that Miles is the baby in the premier as fact. It fits 100%. Miles has been there the second longest, however, because he hasn't experienced any further symptoms, it seems as though he hasn't been there much longer than the Oceanic 815ers. Furthermore, Miles has shown on multiple occasions that he has no idea he's been to the island before. It's pretty obvious, in my eyes, that the baby was Miles and that he was taken off the island with someone after only being there a short time. I will be severely disappointed if that's all wrong, but I don't see it happening.
The fact he can talk to the dead seems to add some level of support as well (since the Island is where a lot of dead people tend to appear). Well whatever Miles' story is, I hope we get to learn it soon.
I'm not sure the rope proves anything. I was under the impression that any objects they are touching during a flash time travel with them (e.g. the compass, the canoe, their clothes).

I think it shifted one last time when Locke pulled it, but that doesn't explain why he still needs/needed (damn time difference) to bring back the Oceanic Six.

The fact he can talk to the dead seems to add some level of support as well (since the Island is where a lot of dead people tend to appear). Well whatever Miles' story is, I hope we get to learn it soon.

Beat me to it on both of those responses. Augh xD
Woah, what an episode! I was not expecting them to get back so soon. Oh well, we're obviously not done with the off-island stories yet, given what happened to Sayid, Hurley, Ben and Kate that got them on the flight.

Sweet, it seems the Island really did move back to the Dharma times with that last flash. Hopefully this we'll have a lot of answers about them soon.
Great episode.

Surely I'm not the only one who believes that Ben killed Penny. He said he had to fullfill a "promise (telling Charles Widmore he would kill his daughter) I made to an old friend (Charles Widmore)".
Great episode.

Surely I'm not the only one who believes that Ben killed Penny. He said he had to fullfill a "promise (telling Charles Widmore he would kill his daughter) I made to an old friend (Charles Widmore)".
Makes a lot of sense, and it would explain his injuries- he kills or tries to kill Penny, then Desmond arrives and beats him up.
It seems that all of the left-behind Losties got jobs with Dharma as well, what with Faraday in the first episode, and Jin just then. That should be interesting.

Anyone got any thoughts on what kind of time we're in on the island now? I think it could quite some time after the last flash when Locke turned the wheel, since as soon as I saw Jin I thought his hair was longer, maybe? I know it doesn't really matter, but I guess it's nice to know. Or think we know. But that could mean some episodes devoted to what the left-behind Losties have been up to.

Good call on Ben going to kill Penny, I suppose he needed to do it before he went back. Also, since 'the island isn't done with Desmond', the death of Penny could lead to a return of Des to the island (by a means that I have no idea of, with the window and all that).

Also, good on Hurley for saving all their lives! What a nice guy.

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