LOST Season 5

Woah... Awesome episode first of all. What I want to know is:

Who is that pregnant woman at the end of the episode when they found Jin?
For those who have to wait until tomorrow or Sunday: This episode is FANTASTIC. It was one of those episodes where a lot of revelations happened without any answers to why they happened (but the revelations are so satisfying they are worth waiting for the next episode). Read spoilers at your own risk.

To answer 1337endo:

That would be Danielle Rousseau...and she is pregnant with Alex. (Indicates they are about 16 years prior to the Flight 815 crash)

As for the rest of the episode:

Wow, the flashes were very worthwhile this episode. Every single one had so much going on. Reminds me of a S4 episode.

I'm wondering if these nosebleeds are happening in order of who has been on the Island the longest. Could it be that the affected frieghties have been on the Island longer than the 815ers and Juliet?

Glad to see Jin back, as well. To be honest, though, I'll be pissed if Michael is dead. He was an interesting character who deserved more to his Father-Son story.
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Ah, thanks for that. I couldn't hear the name when she mumbled it.

And yeah, the flashes were very good this episode. I wonder who was shooting at them while they were on the canoe.
Good question, I have no idea.

In fact, we have no idea what time period that was. Though we now know that another airline is involved with The Island now.

They have a website, by the way. www.ajiraairways.com

LOST has had a trend of throwing up a fictitious website based on something from the show during each season.
I figured out it was Rousseau as soon as Locke said "French".

Overall good episode, although I would have liked to see the nosebleeds explained a bit more.

How much significance will that Lawyer play, and what is his purpose now?
I thought we were doing away with spoilers? As I've said, I know not to come in here after Wednesday until I've watched the latest episode!

Regarding this episode, it certainly was an excellent one. I can't quite think what to bring up about it, not many questions were raised I don't think. I definitely reckon the freighter people have been to the island before, well we already know Dan has. It was obvious they all had strong connections anyway, from last season. I'm made up Jin is back though, what a guy. I didn't think he would be dead to be honest.
Another great episode, this season has been fantastic so far. Interesting to see Jin back, but I find it incredibly farfetched that he could survive the boat explosion and manage to stay alive in the middle of the ocean for a few days.

I'm also convinced Charlotte and Miles have been to the Island before, and evidently they've been there longer than Juliet.

My latest crazy theory: Miles is Dr. Candle/Chang's child from the series' opening scene?
Bio: I'll be pissed if Michael is alive :/ I liked his character too, but one of the main reasons that people that don't watch Lost criticize it is because it's so illogical. I finally got one of my friends to watch the premier and he was totally getting into it and then once Ben turned the magic wheel and moved the island he lost all interest :( I must admit, even being a die-hard Lost fan that is willing to take many irregularities unquestioned, I still have to draw the line somewhere. Jin's survival was farfetched enough, as Napalm already mentioned.

Good theories about the freighties being on the island before, and I really like that theory about Miles, Napalm.

I have a question. Maybe I'm not understanding the time-travel basics, but I just don't like the fact that they're showing main characters in these things. For example, where were Locke and Sawyer while Sawyer was watching Kate and Claire? For that short instance in time, were there two of them? That doesn't make any sense.

Additionally, just to be clear, when they 'change the events of time' (ie: When Juliette shot someone while they were on the canoe; When Locke, Sawyer, and Juliette killed part of Widmore's team when they captured them, etc.) are we supposed to assume that that is what happened originally in time? Daniel specifically said that they can't change time. That they will fail if they try. This just doesn't make sense to me. Take the time shifts for example. If what the time-travelers are doing are the original events of time, then when they shift to a new location in time, the people that they were with before just think they disappeared? I just don't like it. Wouldn't they have some kind of recollection even though they weren't born yet?
We don't really know how much time has passed for the time-skippers. They jump from night to day and back so it's hard to say for sure. It could easily be under 48 hours - so Jin may not have really been out there THAT long.

And as far as the canoe people go, I don't really think Juliette shot one of them. I think we just saw them duck or just digging in their oars to go faster.
Bio: I'll be pissed if Michael is alive :/ I liked his character too, but one of the main reasons that people that don't watch Lost criticize it is because it's so illogical. I finally got one of my friends to watch the premier and he was totally getting into it and then once Ben turned the magic wheel and moved the island he lost all interest :( I must admit, even being a die-hard Lost fan that is willing to take many irregularities unquestioned, I still have to draw the line somewhere. Jin's survival was farfetched enough, as Napalm already mentioned.

Good theories about the freighties being on the island before, and I really like that theory about Miles, Napalm.

I have a question. Maybe I'm not understanding the time-travel basics, but I just don't like the fact that they're showing main characters in these things. For example, where were Locke and Sawyer while Sawyer was watching Kate and Claire? For that short instance in time, were there two of them? That doesn't make any sense.

Additionally, just to be clear, when they 'change the events of time' (ie: When Juliette shot someone while they were on the canoe; When Locke, Sawyer, and Juliette killed part of Widmore's team when they captured them, etc.) are we supposed to assume that that is what happened originally in time? Daniel specifically said that they can't change time. That they will fail if they try. This just doesn't make sense to me. Take the time shifts for example. If what the time-travelers are doing are the original events of time, then when they shift to a new location in time, the people that they were with before just think they disappeared? I just don't like it. Wouldn't they have some kind of recollection even though they weren't born yet?

Yeah, they'd have some recollection. Desmond did, at least, but that could suggest that only Desmond is capable of that (Lost's explanation of Deja Vu, perhaps?).
And yes, I think we really are supposed to think that anyone who is in one time and then "leaves" is considered to an onlooker as literally vanishing (just like the Island). My only concern about this is that I thought the flashes happened in "real time". There was no flash during Claire's night of delivery back in S1, yet "Future" Sawyer entered that period and flashed back.
I have a question. Maybe I'm not understanding the time-travel basics, but I just don't like the fact that they're showing main characters in these things. For example, where were Locke and Sawyer while Sawyer was watching Kate and Claire? For that short instance in time, were there two of them? That doesn't make any sense.
I think that's the implication. In season 1 we saw Locke banging on the hatch when the light came on, so presumably there were indeed two of them. I'd be willing to buy that, except that in the last season Desmond's brief time travelling caused him to travel into the body of his younger self (or the other way around, given that he thought he was in 1996).

Additionally, just to be clear, when they 'change the events of time' (ie: When Juliette shot someone while they were on the canoe; When Locke, Sawyer, and Juliette killed part of Widmore's team when they captured them, etc.) are we supposed to assume that that is what happened originally in time? Daniel specifically said that they can't change time. That they will fail if they try. This just doesn't make sense to me. Take the time shifts for example. If what the time-travelers are doing are the original events of time, then when they shift to a new location in time, the people that they were with before just think they disappeared? I just don't like it. Wouldn't they have some kind of recollection even though they weren't born yet?
I think the implication is that even without the Losties interference, those events would have happened anyway. For example, if Widmore's team wasn't killed like we saw, they might have been killed by the US soldiers or something (they wouldn't have killed Widmore, of course). Or maybe Faraday is just wrong about how time travel works?

As to why only the Losties move through time and not anyone, now I'm really confused about that one. They're from three different backgrounds (flight 815, ex-Other, freighter), and they don't all seem to share anything in common.
I'm pretty sure that when they found the Ajira Airways water bottle, they were in the FUTURE of the LOST timeline. I'm guessing that the Oceanic Six (plus Ben and Locke) re-crash on the Island via a Ajira plane. However, this brings up an important question: who was the new group shooting at them?
Overall, an excellent episode.
I'm pretty sure that when they found the Ajira Airways water bottle, they were in the FUTURE of the LOST timeline. I'm guessing that the Oceanic Six (plus Ben and Locke) re-crash on the Island via a Ajira plane. However, this brings up an important question: who was the new group shooting at them?
Overall, an excellent episode.

Well I think for one, its relatively obvious that the freighter people have on the island before, and I would guess were all members of the Dharma initiative.

I had the same idea about the Ajira airline being how the got back to the island, and I think that Those 8 people were the ones who were shooting at them. I think that the future Oceanic 6 (plus Locke and Ben) saw there boat was stolen and started shooting at Sawyer, Juliet, e.t.c, without seeing who they were.

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