Insomniacs assemble!!

It didn't have anything to do with that link I sent you, did it? It was for humor. I had no intentions of causing any sort of physical damage.
Naw. It is unrelated. Well, it's related to the topic of the page you linked me to, but the cause of the situation were people I was following.
Following sjw's probably wasn't the best choice. If they got you to smash your thingy, I'd say they won.
Yeah. I might have to stop insulting them in public, as I don't want a particular person to see me complaining about them. Even if there's a 2% chance of them ever seeing it on WiiChat.
@King O' D Splash

Eh, cause an entire unit is being dissolved here in Washington, repurposed, and moved to Colorado to train everyone there for said purpose and also aiding in said purpose.

got foswa
got really foswa

not sure if srs

ohai mcl

Fishy farces aside, I find it very hard t' believe you would ever have a moment of derpidity large enough t' take your anger out on somefin so valuable.
You give me too much credit *glances at like four broken phones*

Granted, none of them were any good, and iirc this is the first time I've broken somefin really important. I was in an abnormally angry state, thanks to my "friend".
Happy birthday t' Troll Freak. But no one else, 'specially no Wiichat members. Nope. Nah. Definitely not.