Insomniacs assemble!!


hai guise

I got fired from Kmart. I skipped too much, somefin like that


School-somnia. Not sure if worse than insomnia.

much worse

so dirge

So I've been doing 5AM mornings and waking up at 11AM. Yes, all my lacks of sleeps.


Might be getting stationed in Colorado. Don't want to move. -_-

... For how long can they call on ya like that? =/

Also, why Colorado? I've known of one or two people who've gone off t' be stationed there in spite of it bein' on the other side'a the country. Is it somethin' to do with all those perfectly-usable-but-never-gonna-be-used tanks?

I'd be moar than happy with an online, balanced Budokai 3, but that also looks grand.

i dont even

My overall mood yesterday

Nearly took a knife to my wrists

Know that feel. T'is why I'm back to smoking in recent times.


I completely forgot about the inevitable attempts to implement VR into Skyrim.

Neat. Certainly looks moar fun than Wiimote-wagglin'.

Also like the Wii, it's amusin' to watch someone else play.

why does everybody feel the need to be douchebags to americans just because our country probably sucks

Because ignorance is commonplace.

Also, every country sucks. Some less than others.

In my teenage years I was on suicide watch (back when my life went to **** and people round me started to die)

also know that feel

I currently have no real opinion on the matter. If I were forced to choose a side right now, I'd choose the pro-legalization side, but I'm really not totally sure.

Look towards the results of prohibition to find your answer.

Gimli: MR (Gimr)

But MR ain't a Flaco main...

A couple of my mates smoke the stuff, I'd rather it legalized. Would be a smart thing to do but the government is convinced it's some sort of sin to smoke it here.

Whether it's ignorant moralists who can't understand the concept of "guns don't kill people" or corrupt officials who've a stake in drug profits, legalizing contraband is a long and difficult road for governments t' walk.

I haven't had any [STRIKE]time[/STRIKE] motivation to start any Lord of the Rings, so this goes over my head.


While legalizing it will be good for the economy, it won't be a financial breakthrough or anything like the days of yore with cash crops.

This is true. Marijuana legalization will hurt the prison economy (... which is a good thing in the long run, lets be honest), and America lacks the climate for large-scale growth outside of those who've vast funds on hand for large greenhouse operations (which may not be possible at all if law places a limit on allotted crops for even businesses). It's certain third world countries that'l benefit from a marijuana trade boom, which used t' be a thing 'fore countries started banning Marijuana imports in modern times.

Additionally, there's the matter of its effect on society. Combined with pot, we're not making things any better for the future.

I reckon most people that're prone to substance abuse are already actin' in disregard to the law anyways.

More importantly, everyone interested in feelin' their highs 'n lows will have their way, regardless of what is legal or not. Fast food has had terrifyin' effects on America, but ya can't just ban it and solve the country's obesity issues.

New Ace Attorney takes place during the Meiji era. Not sure how they'll implement the setting to fit, but they got the guy in charge of the original AA trilogy making the game so it should work out.
I reckon most people that're prone to substance abuse are already actin' in disregard to the law anyways.

More importantly, everyone interested in feelin' their highs 'n lows will have their way, regardless of what is legal or not. Fast food has had terrifyin' effects on America, but ya can't just ban it and solve the country's obesity issues.

Cigarettes have suffered through hell these last few years. Obviously, many people are actively trying to get rid of smoking everywhere. It's obvious that the newest laws and stigmas against smoking has decreased the popularity of the stuff. Sure, if someone wants a smoke, they'll get it. However, I think most of us are glad at having less cigarette-related problems to deal with as a result of the actions against it. Certainly an improvement over the days of our parents and grandparents, what with the health issues and all.
And now it appears the localization team is gonna go through hell making this game fit in order for it to take place in Meiji Era "Los Angeles". My sig has never been more appropriate.That's the kind of stupid stuff that makes the series so endearing, though.
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i wholly regret getting into a discussion regarding smoking things

Obviously, many people are actively trying to get rid of smoking everywhere. It's obvious that the newest laws and stigmas against smoking has decreased the popularity of the stuff.

If it's obvious then color me stupid, as I've no idea 'bout any'a this. Which is natural, I'm outta the loop.

However, I think most of us are glad at having less cigarette-related problems to deal with as a result of the actions against it. Certainly an improvement over the days of our parents and grandparents, what with the health issues and all.

Obviously can't argue with that, but said health issues argument doesn't necessarily need to apply t' marijuana. You can crossbreed or genetically modify specific, harmful qualities out of the plant. Combined with a method of consumption not harmful to the body (i.e. not smoking), the plant could have minimal-to-no negative health effects... though this is assumin' THC isn't a major culprit in why weed's bad for ya. Last I checked, there've been no truly conclusive studies provin' it one way or the other, but I'm years outta the loop, so my argument may of spoiled by now.

Mind you, I'm talkin' 'bout recreational use only. Medicinal applications are legit and have little precedence in the topic as a result.
Get rid of people smoking up wind of me.



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