Heroes Season 2

I love this show, but get so confused at points. I guess that is part of the fun in it. Here are some of my thoughts.

I think that Matt's dad controls peoples thoughts. Remember he said something like, "It starts with reading peoples minds, then it turns into something completely different." Then he said he would show him something.

I love Hiro's story. I think something is going to happen to Hiro in the past where he is going to realize another level of his powers. Maybe he will be involved in the fight with the dragon, and he will see himself. I think he is going to realize that he can bend time, and be in two places/times at once.

There is a ton of other stuff that I have thought about, but maybe I will type that in later. idk.
Interesting therories...I for one was not too excited though by mondays episode...It just wasn't as revealing as the other were...left me on to big of a cliff
Marioman said:
Interesting therories...I for one was not too excited though by mondays episode...It just wasn't as revealing as the other were...left me on to big of a cliff

you gotta have the build up before the main event
I think that Matt's dad controls peoples thoughts. Remember he said something like, "It starts with reading peoples minds, then it turns into something completely different." Then he said he would show him something.

He probably can do way more then that. Remember Molly in Season 1 Finale implied that the Nightmare Man is much more stronger then Sylar

"He's much more worse" or something along the lines of that. Maybe hes mastered all the heroes powers or he manipulates peoples mind to do his bidding. That would explain why all the elder heroes were dying/being attacked.

Peter + Sylar working together is what im really looking forward too.. just like Future Hiro and Future Peter fought together in that one episode XD.

Going back to who the murderer was

Going back to the people who could of possibly murdered Hiro's Dad, on that commercial they said we have already met that person so it isn't anyone we don't know yet.

Only possibilities could be Peter/Nathan/Claire/West
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Jerry Dont spoil it for me :) please :) lol
im going to have to wait till someone put it on the internet (im uk)

anyway yeah looks bloody brilliant.

i wanna find out who noah shoots.

and what happens to the twins because sylar said he was gonna kill the guy
Hey, im a massive fan of the show! .I just watched the end of season 1 last night (DVD) and havnt really been watching season 2 (Keep forgettin) but there is a few things i dont get.

1. My friends tell me that Nathon is alive but didn't he kill himself by flying Peter up into the sky to stop him from nuking the city??

2. How did Nikki/Sarah's husband get behind Linderman when he was shot?

3. If Peter and Sylo met a couple times, why didnt he absorb Sylo's stolen powers?
i dont know about the rest of u but i was kind of disppointed with last nights show...and can i tell you how BORING the twins story is...i cant stand it i wish sylar will just kill them already.
Yeah i thought last nights episode would be better :( anyways..

Peter subplot was ****ING BORING last night .. Jesus Christ
Hiro subplot was awesome.. turns out that Kensei may be the dragon and Hiro will be Kensei.. Hiro vs Kensei upcoming fight! I also loved it when they were fighting all the samurai and Hiro Tports out with that girl before they gets shot.

The special effects when Claire fell were just... stupid.. you'd think with all the money these guys are making that they could actually make it look believable.

Noah and Haitian guy... boring I dont even know why they're in Russia anymore lol..

And there was no Nathan and Parkman subplot last night :(

1. My friends tell me that Nathon is alive but didn't he kill himself by flying Peter up into the sky to stop him from nuking the city??

Yeah I think he flew away right before Peter exploded in the sky. He's seeing that messed up face in the mirror cause hes feeling guilty he didn't with Peter(Ithink)

. If Peter and Sylo met a couple times, why didnt he absorb Sylo's stolen powers?

He did.. didn't you see him use lightning and telekinesis on those guys earlier

and can i tell you how BORING the twins story is...i cant stand it i wish sylar will just kill them already.


Hopefully next weeks will be better.. I'm waiting for an episode to top the ep with Future Hiro and Future Peter XD
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What the hell the last episode was so confusing.
Will Mohinder shoot someone in the face? How did Kenshi get to the future? Will West turn out to be evil? Is there a guy that can controll elements??? :yikes:

So much left untold :yikes:

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