Heroes Season 2

Byuakuya said:
Yeah, I am a massive fan of the show and I can't wait for season 2. Personally, I think that the show gets better and better with every episode, so yeah, I am looking forward to more. :)
I def agree this show is totally opposite of prison break, although the 3rd season is actually pretty good. It's more interesting when he's in jail. 2nd season seemed to just drag on and on.
So wat do u guys think of last nights episode?

I thought it was great. Pretty damn good and shocking ending.
Does anyone remember a program that used to be on. I think it was called Lost or something?
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Seen the newest episode. Peter rules hes going to be well strong. Cant wait to see how the story goes with Hiro.
Bliss said:
So wat do u guys think of last nights episode?

I thought it was great. Pretty damn good and shocking ending.
It was so good and amazing and sexy and amazing.
Peters such a tank now.
Dude I love this show....(I'm making a Lost thread when it starts...) ya and I didn't like the toe thing
I'm just gonna have to create a thread aobut it won't I....I'll make tommorrow don't take my idea...
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Thought this lastest episode was great Peter rocks at the moment. And what a way to go if Claire does kill his dad.
anyone got any ideas who the guy in the hood is? the one that killed hiro's dad...it looks like he is the one holding claire back in the painting of her dead dad.
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Bliss said:
anyone got any ideas who the guy in the hood is? the one that killed hiro's dad...it looks like he is the one holding claire back in the painting of her dead dad.

I thought it was that kid West i think it is in that picture. Could be wrong but thats how i saw it.
Whoops said:
I thought it was that kid West i think it is in that picture. Could be wrong but thats how i saw it.

yea u might be right.

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