Heroes Season 2

heros is deffinately a sweet show. ima little disappointed with the second season so far but its holding me over till lost comes back.

anyone who missed the first season or a couple episodes PM me for a link to a website that has every episode. ic ant post the link here though (i got it from this site and a mod had deleted the link shortly after i found it, its not exactly legal, but theres nothing to download, its all streamed)
Damn yesterdays episode..i didnt want it to end..lol..it left hanging so bad...but this show just keeps gettin better and better.
Huge Heroes fan here. I think the hooded man that took out Hiro's dad was one of the 13 originals that banded together to do "good" It could be Parkman's dad if he was lying about the picture of him with the godsend symbol but it's probably one of the ones we haven't met yet. Undoubtedly he'll be tied to the current generation of heroes somehow. I have a question though, where did peter absorb the lightning power from? I don't remember that one. Glad to hear there's other peeps on wiichat that love heroes as much as I do.
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Projection said:
Waiting for season 2 to come on sci-fi in England. Anyone in the UK when it's coming out.

Not a clue. Have they even got through season one yet? I usually watch them online but the websites down where i usually watch them :mad5:
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Whoops said:
Not a clue. Have they even got through season one yet? I usually watch them online but the websites down where i usually watch them :mad5:

tv-links, right? :lol:
Yeah, I'm annoyed that they're down too.
Prisonbreak Summary
Michael goes to jail
Michael gets out of jail
Michael gets out of illinois
Michael gets out of US
Michael gets in jail again
I like the show but it just drags on and on for too long. Heros is way better Kristen Bell>Prison Break
Has anyone heard of spoilers?

I, like other Britains am still in season 1.

If you are posting something please wrap it in spoilers incase you ruin it for anyone...
iv been carefull not to give away spoilers.

im in uk to though :) but i saw the first series on Sci-fi, ages ago, and i also watch the rest of series one on internet same with all of series 2 to date, but the site i watched them on has closed down, now i have no way to watch them , and bad thing was it was right at a good cliffhanger
:( it will be about 5 months till, uk gets to that point

anybody know anywhere to watch this?
daviduk200 said:
iv been carefull not to give away spoilers.

im in uk to though :) but i saw the first series on Sci-fi, ages ago, and i also watch the rest of series one on internet same with all of series 2 to date, but the site i watched them on has closed down, now i have no way to watch them , and bad thing was it was right at a good cliffhanger
:( it will be about 5 months till, uk gets to that point

anybody know anywhere to watch this?

I could help out, give me a PM spud as I wont openly discuss them on a forum:)

this is a real spoiler
i cant belive the irish guy died, he was cool, and omg matts dad he is creepy, and i think he uses his power to get others to kill the other "12"

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