Heroes Season 2

Thank god for no twins subplot this week. Those two suck without Sylar with them. Peter and Hiro subplots rule as always XD. The new Sharingan girl is hot

And I'm predicting Peter + Sylar Vs Nightmare Man for the Season Finale
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I def agree this show is totally opposite of prison break, although the 3rd season is actually pretty good. It's more interesting when he's in jail. 2nd season seemed to just drag on and on.

Yeah Prison break is good when hes back in jail but the show should've ended at the end of season 2.. now the producers are just dragging the show along for the ratings :/

edit: srydoublepostlol
yeha jerry exactly what i thought,

i bet sylar will become good, But i think it will ruin the story if he does, it seems abit tacky in my opinion.

also the irish girl and the blonde after pete is well fit. blonde better looking though, and i agree also the twins story is irritating, although its needed to bring sylar back in
I don't think he'll become good because the only way he gains abilities is to kill people and take their brains. And he's been lusting for power for almost each episode now.

Nightmare man/Parkman's Dad is pretty smart(outwitted Nathan and Parkman into fighting each other) I think he'll see Sylar and Peter as a threat and try to take them out later in the season.
to jerryC


also, who do you think the mystery killer is?

i mean this person must have powers, otherwise, they wouldnt be able to get to mrs petrelli when she was locked in the police room, and when he killed kaito, on the roof.

i mean, matts dad doesnt have those powers (we presume) and who could do it?

the powers we have encountered so far that could accomplish all these things is. Teleportation. D.L's power (but hes dead) thats about it,

so it could be hiro or Peter, or more than one person, for each killing,

there fore it could be matts dad conrtrolling others, or maybe hiro learns something bad abiut the 12 when hes in the past, and is made to kill them even his dad.

after all kaito, said "i never expected it to be you" so he knew who it was. i wonder who though.

maybe peter got split into to, ones whos evil and one whos good.

or maybe nathan, was controlled and then flew away.

i just wonder lol
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Hiro's story at the moment sucks, I can't see what the point of it is. Ando's story sucks even more, because all he's doing is trying to find out about Hiro.

But I am interested in this whole thing about Matt's dad. He's definitely not to be trusted, but I'm not sure if he's the one who killed Kaito Nakamura though, he looks too fat.
Napalmbrain said:
Please use the spoiler tags for the benefit of members who aren't in America or downloading.

Hiro's story at the moment sucks, I can't see what the point of it is. Ando's story sucks even more, because all he's doing is trying to find out about Hiro.

But I am interested in this whole thing about Matt's dad. He's definitely not to be trusted, but I'm not sure if he's the one who killed Kaito Nakamura though, he looks too fat.

well heres my answer to that one

Ok i dont think Hiros story sucks..it is actually saying that he, Hiro was the "Hero" of the past, i dont know i might be wrong but it does make sense. And yes Ando has gotten boring but he is normal...lol..what else u want from him..lol....What really bothers me right now is Nikki why the hell would she check herself into that facility???
yeah ok
to david
The Mystery Killer hmmm.. well if I remember correctly the hooded guy looked alot like Sylar before we knew who Sylar even was(When he was trying to kill Molly back around episode 2 in the first season).

But yeah before the last episode I thought it was Nathans mom doing it but it looks like shes trying to take the blame for someone.

Parkmans Dad could be controlling the person who did it.

But yeah it could be anyone right now

As for the Hiro thing

Lots of my friends are saying that Hiro is gonna be the dragon in the whole Kensai story.XD

And his story is just interesting because its freakin medievil Japan lol
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JerryC said:
As for the Hiro thing

Lots of my friends are saying that Hiro is gonna be the dragon in the whole Kensai story.XD

And his story is just interesting because its freakin medievil Japan lol

Why do they think he will be the dragon? I cant see that.
Hiro and Kensai both want to be with the girl. Hiro chose to stay instead of go home when they didn't need him.
JerryC said:
Hiro and Kensai both want to be with the girl. Hiro chose to stay instead of go home when they didn't need him.

True but Hiro's character is to nice, i cant see this happening. Hey u may be right but i dont think so. I think he is just there to finish our the legend.
the kensie hiro thingy
well in the story , about kensie, he is supposed to cut out his own heart and feed it to the dragon, i dont think hero would want that, but considering kesei is a healer he might be able to do it, i dont know it the heart works like their brains in this programme, because when ever clair or peter had somthing stabbed into their brain they cpouldnt heal until it was removed, maybe the heart works like this to
daviduk200 said:
the kensie hiro thingy
well in the story , about kensie, he is supposed to cut out his own heart and feed it to the dragon, i dont think hero would want that, but considering kesei is a healer he might be able to do it, i dont know it the heart works like their brains in this programme, because when ever clair or peter had somthing stabbed into their brain they cpouldnt heal until it was removed, maybe the heart works like this to

Yea the heart has to work the sameway as the brain, it only makes sense that it would. It just seems the more u think you know about it the more u find it u dont know.:lol:
Yeah theres suppose to be 3 vital points in the body which will inhibit regeneration.. Brain, Heart, and something else I forgot.
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Napalmbrain said:
tv-links, right? :lol:
Yeah, I'm annoyed that they're down too.

Yep thats right and i cant find any where else thats got it :sad:

How do you do spoliers?

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