Heroes Season 2

JerryC said:
IMO Season 2 was going downhill anyways. Too many unanswered questions from Season 1. Already shifting into a new storyline without tying up ALL the plotholes from the first season. Hiro staying in Japan for too long.

Story and Pace is slow and weak.. only story worth watching now is Peter since Hiro is back in the modern era
Basically no character development for Claire and other characters(Still the same naieve person even after stopping the end of the world)

they are answering everything in this comin mondays episode....but if u think about it, its starting the same as season 1....with a whole lot of questions and everything will come around in the end as did season 1...just takes time.
Yeah except Season 1 had to introduce characters, personality, powers, storyline. Season 2 didnt have to do any of that(except storyline) and still the pace of the storyline has gotten really slow
yea i do agree it has gotten slow, i guess we will see after monday wat will happend....supposed to be the episode that answers it all.
Hopefully.. but I think the producers have given up already

Yet while Heroes has finally found some dramatic traction, this second volume is pretty much a wash. The Dec. 3 episode has been retooled to function as a potential season finale — a move inspired by the writers' strike and a desire to give the show ''a clean slate'' when it goes back into production for Volume 3. At that point, Kring wants to craft a rebooted Heroes that can attract new fans and win back those who've tuned out: ''The message is that we've heard the complaints — and we're doing something about it.''
BBc 2 is the only place heroes will be shown for now on.

BBC 2 bought the rights for heroes series 2 a while back for like

£45,000 an episode or something like that,

but iv been watching them online
On Topic: The show has been on an amazing upswing - the last few EP's have been outstanding - decent new character intros, Sark er, I mean David Anders, always terrific, finally finished up the Hiro in-the-past plot element (that I agree *was* dragging). Interesting development with the weather control angle, power escalation, global destruction! Sylar being pursued by the King of the Bug People!

Kring made a press release about the slow start, mentioned how he had planned on a changing up a few things (but it didn't happen unitl recently). The show definitely doesn't work with the slow burn that's so effective on LOST, but they've done a great job of wrangling things in recently and the next EP looks like it will be another milestone.

I believe the plan was a mid-season hiatus anyway, so he WGA strike, unless it goes on for a +long+ time I don't believe will throw things off too much (plus now we get to do a S1 re-watch in the downtime :D )

What a boring episode :( Jesus christ that twin subplot is so unbearable. Twins - Eyes Blacken - People Die WE GET IT NO NEED FOR 5 SCENES OF THAT. Only interesting thing about last night was when DL got shot and the explanation of what happened to the Petrelli Brothers on Nuke Night leading up to four months later.

And only 3 more episodes :( ...sucks
JerryC said:
What a boring episode :( Jesus christ that twin subplot is so unbearable. Twins - Eyes Blacken - People Die WE GET IT NO NEED FOR 5 SCENES OF THAT. Only interesting thing about last night was when DL got shot and the explanation of what happened to the Petrelli Brothers on Nuke Night leading up to four months later.

And only 3 more episodes :( ...sucks

are u kidding me?!?!??! last night was great it reveals so much...ok look
Ok Adam u know Kensai he is the hooded guy goin around killin everyone...i figure this cuz 1. he told hiro he will kill everything and everyone he loves. 2. he jumped off the roof with hiros father and walked away.:crazy: so thats my theory on that.
oh and yes i TOTALLY agree with u about the twins...i cant stand them.
Bliss said:
are u kidding me?!?!??! last night was great it reveals so much...ok look
Ok Adam u know Kensai he is the hooded guy goin around killin everyone...i figure this cuz 1. he told hiro he will kill everything and everyone he loves. 2. he jumped off the roof with hiros father and walked away.:crazy: so thats my theory on that.
oh and yes i TOTALLY agree with u about the twins...i cant stand them.

Possible. But remember hes working with Peter and was in The Companys prison so doubt he has anything to do with them. Unless something happened after they left the prison and Peter had his memories erased.
just about to watch that episode, its buffering right now lol.

ill give u my thought soooooooonnnnn!!!! mwuhaha
Adam has to be evil...i believe he is breaking them all up, i predict a fight between Hiro and Peter, none will die but the virus will be let out..Peter will do anything for Adam now that he has healed his brother...and i also read somewhere that 3 yes 3 omg 3, orginals will die this season...dont know who but i am sure we can all agree on 1 of them...Claires father
aww its now 100% true i thought there was a slight chance that they might continue the series, but no, the spoiler, said 3 episodes left, dam im gonna cry, im loveing this series soo much, and now its most likly going to feel unfinished as they have to squeeze so much into the last 3 episodes
yea i know it does suck so bad, but lets just hope this strike ends so we can have a next season to look at....not like Lost who has to wait till 2009

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