Goldeneye - A Noobs Tale (for the "older" players amongst us)

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  • #76
Hooo hoo hoo, lots of streaks last night with the silencer fitted. Some of the games were a bit laggy and a few host quits lost me some damn good xp, but we expect that.

I had an awesome game where to be honest I dominated pretty much everyone on the enemy team, lots of streaks and I was taking out some rather higher lvl players. Was looking forward to my xp and then the bloody console froze. I guess it's the same for everyone....picture freezes and a high pitched squeel from the console. Only way to stop it is to turn the console off. Goddamn it.

Loving my new silencer so will hopefully kill some of you guys on a more frequent basis from now the nicest possible way of course.

And I hate it when my regular team mates are on an opposing team because I "join friends current game", found myself hesitating and not actually shooting them. Then the buggers shot me so that little hesitation didn't last long :yesnod:
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  • #78
Right, I am officially (in my mind) signing off the noob list even only at lvl 20. I'm getting streaks of 10 now and then, kicking much higher lvl peoples arses, know where to find you sneaky snipers (sometimes), utilising being a Hero quite successfully, shot a couple of grenades last night just as the other guys threw them and blew them right up (lmao), found the ability to choose the right gun for the job, able to run round like a loon on most maps and more often than not take more of the enemy out than die and generally my average xp per match has increased to around 300ish (not saying I'm great at it but it's better than it was by a big chunk).

Loving playing with our little WC clan at night Blackecho, Patrick, Goldie, HOOT, Vol, Bolrae (still hits like a little girl) and a few others. So my noob-ness is over and I am now trying to climb the ladder of the lower levels. Thanks to all of you guys for your advice and help but from now on don't stand there giggling at me like some used!

lol see you guys online
Congrats on your graduation from the Noob Acadamy, Carlito! I have yet to make the grade, but I'm getting close. Came a few points from winning a Golden Gun game the other day--that's my self-imposed benchmark. My gameplay improved once I finally became fully proficient on the AK. I promptly burned it and buried it (and I don't care if it still works). :)

I'd add you guys as friends, but I'm on the West Coast of the US so probably never on at the same time.
Gymkata! : Lvl 16
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  • #80
Oh you never know my friend, I've found myself awake at the wrong times and plugged in to the game lol Hope to game with you soon fella.
OK - I go to london for one day, i come back and its WC Carlito :) and you ain't a noob anymore. Gees i turn my back for one minute and 'all change' lol
Will try and catch a game with you later if yer on.
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  • #84
I don't understand the hacker side of things but I entered a heroes game half way through tonight and started blasting away as normal and there were grenades going off all over the place, thought I spawned in the middle of Beirut. Ran like hell, lobbed my grenades and shot a couple of people. Thought there was something wrong with my Wiimote as it wouldn't aim right, so was shooting from the hip.

It was madness, just explosions everywhere. I died and time ran out. I'd been given lots of xp. Panicked and left the game. Only name I remember is DanTheMan. The xp unlocked nowt good lol laser something or other. Tried to get to you in chat to tell you. I.didn't like it, scared the crap outta me, bloody bombs everywhere. I did leave when I noticed silly amounts of xp though.

I take it that was a hacker then. He had something like 100,000+ xp in a game. So it says lvl 23 or 24 but I am lvl 20. I take it there is no way to get rid of it? Can see why ppl feel so strongly about it though, its not playing the game it was just blowing ppl up, madness. So he's sat there as a 56 but has no idea how to play the game, what's the point? May as well get rid if the game now as he has all the gadgets etc but will still be **** at it.

Anyway, I need sleep, but that's how it changed. See you soon mate.
Yeah, I was in a game with Dan the man yesterday with his automatic rocket launcher, no extra XP though.

He was on my team and just blowing everyone else up so I just followed him round meleeing him constantly until he got bored and left! :)

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  • #86
Yep, same guy. It's pointless isn't it he'd get battered in a normal game, better weapons or not, meaning he has no objective in the game at all. I van take out lvl 56 guys already, of course a better weapon would mean I'd take them out more but a 56 with all his top weapons still needs to be good at avoidance etc and if a hacker hasn't learnt the game and simply relies on superior fire power other players can suss his tactics in minutes and its game over for him.

So DanTheMan if you're reading this feel free to add me, grow a pair and play me in a non-hacked game. I'm still a lvl 20 but I'd like to see if my theory us correct.

To me it just voids having the game as there is no point to it anymore with no objective to aim for.

My apologies to everyone about my non-official level jumps, I really didn't know what was going on at first. Carlito is a lvl 20 and quite proud of that thanks very much. This really has annoyed me. I'm good at this game and I'm getting better but now I'll always be conscious of a 3 lvl head start.

Bunch of arse!
I would'nt worry about it bud. I have noticed a big increase in hacked games in last 2 weeks. i joined a similar game on memorial and it was like watching 'cluster bombs' goin off everywhere. people were scoring 60000+ with 3 minutes gone !! - I left game ... waited.... tried again and ended back in same match (don't want an odd number !) so scrambled to leave as quick as possible before it ended.
Oh and clan [06] are hackers I seem to keep comin by 4 of em !
I have also been encountering a heros 'glitch' where the gun won't fire ! I have been 'trev & ouro' on archives and sewers when this has happened, as soon as i die its back to normal but half way through a clip it just stopped firing....... my response was to attempt to melly the enemy ..... this was not a success

btw due to work+wife+alchohol i sometimes don't make the late night games, i will try to make more effort :)
hey dad uk, that hero glitch where you can shoot, i had that happen to me before, what happens is if you have an auto weapon you can push up to change the rate of fire.
what happens is it changes the rate of fire to 1 round per trigger so if you hold the fire down it shoots one rd and thats it. until you press the fire again, if you hold it down, nothin else.

it would piss me off cause i thought someone hacked to do that to me, its a dumb glitch it only seems to happen in the archives tho.

but there ya go as far as what that it.

good playin with ya earlier. we had a killer team, then i got to be host and it ruins my games so thats y i kept disbanding the team.

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