Goldeneye - A Noobs Tale (for the "older" players amongst us)

Good idea, I'm happy to start up a new account.

I'll be on tonight somewhere between 21:30 and 22:00 probably.
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  • #49
BE and dad (lol) will be on tonight from ten ish. Had some good games last night so thanks for that, and HOOT too. Don't level down for me guys, I've no probs with taking on the higher levels, steep learning curve but I'm cool with that, I can always level up when you guys go offline. Loving the DAUK vibe fellas lol

I'm also partial to the Sig9, maybe it's just because of the beefy sound it makes. For more open maps like outpost or the docks, however, I use the Kallos for run-n-gunning. It's more accurate at longer range.

My favorite part of being noobish is picking up an elite weapon like an Anova, and getting about .001 seconds to admire it in my pixelated fingers before getting gunned down.
Man I hear ya, I'm like "I got a top end gun woohoo!" and before I get to kill anyone I'm dead Lmao. But this is what its all about, its a game and games are for fun not tantrums and attitude.

See y'all later
Whooa - my head hurts !!

My plan to play last night was kinda hampered by alchohol.....
.....was not in a fit state.

Will try and play today though I fear the worst as my drunken 'alter-ego' decided to alter the wiimote settings last night - played a games this morning and was all over the place ......can't remember what I changed !!!!!

Other fc's lvl27 - 2539-7195-3550 lvl16 3171-6893-2018 I've added pike - will change my name to sgt wilson DAUK on the above when I play
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  • #54
Hey Pat, you found us. Yeah it was a good session last night, really gelled as a team. Nice to have you on board mate.

I had a couple of beers whilst playing last night and I woke the family with my shouts at the toobers that kept popping up. Not sure what's going in tonight but if I'm in it'll be ten thirty ish UK time.

My social life now simply consists of killing pixilated people....and I love it lol
Hey Pat, you found us. Yeah it was a good session last night, really gelled as a team. Nice to have you on board mate.

I had a couple of beers whilst playing last night and I woke the family with my shouts at the toobers that kept popping up. Not sure what's going in tonight but if I'm in it'll be ten thirty ish UK time.

My social life now simply consists of killing pixilated people....and I love it lol

Yea was a blast and heartache losing back to back matches by 2 points!! But it does keep you hungry for more.

i am at my inlaws for the day to watch the football, they are from the UK (Chelsea and Manchester United supporters) Go Spurs! lol So I hope to be on later, depends at how much beer is flowing. But I hope to team up again soon!

I'm sure I'll be on again at some point, Dad, I'm going to add you lvl 16 account to Pike DAUK.

Nice to play with you Pat too.
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  • #57
Ok well I've gone up another level, 19 now. Not too sure about these timed mines tho.

Having major arguments with myself over which gun I prefer between the Stauger and the Sig 9.

Anyway, my big news is I'm off to buy a new TV tonight, 42" lcd full HD so am hoping it may help with being able to see what I'm shooting at....or running away from. No doubt I'll be on from around 10pm tonight and with a new TV to play with I probably won't stop playing or sleep for the next 3 days.

Hope to catch you all soon.
Ok well I've gone up another level, 19 now. Not too sure about these timed mines tho.

Having major arguments with myself over which gun I prefer between the Stauger and the Sig 9.

Anyway, my big news is I'm off to buy a new TV tonight, 42" lcd full HD so am hoping it may help with being able to see what I'm shooting at....or running away from. No doubt I'll be on from around 10pm tonight and with a new TV to play with I probably won't stop playing or sleep for the next 3 days.

Hope to catch you all soon.

Nice work on the new tv. Might see you on tonight, No better way to test it out than by putting it through its paces on GE. :)
Managed to get in a game with a few people in this thread I think Carlito and goldie were on the opposite team in heros. It was a really hard game. You guys killed me a lot!

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