Goldeneye - A Noobs Tale (for the "older" players amongst us)

Nice one Hoot - kids are cool !

Think I played with you last night,GGs, I've added your fc anyways !

Hope you have the time to add me
B.E. & Carlito

GGs last night guys - I have not played that much TC in a long time, my hosting was pretty good and probably the most lag free of the night (I really do not understand LAG
As soon as we switched to heroes the lag returned.

I have NEVER farmed the BB - perhaps we should have a bash at it ! ... thoughts please.

@ BE - are you a TC GOD - even when I outscore you in a game you still had much more XP than me - I think I came first on a Nightclub game with 15:0 and you still outscored me ........... I must know your secrets

@ Carlito - No need to watch your butt anymore - I think you saved me once or twice yesterday GGs to you. All you need now is better weapons, the terra should help ! Sorry about invite when BE left - I accepted an Invite from WC ACE
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  • #94
I don't get it HOOT, is this a noob baby? If so massive congrats man, guess your night games will be limited :wink:

Thanks goldie mate, I do try and watch out for the team, gets me killed more times than not but the warm fuzzy feeling helps lol

**** day at work so I'll be killing peeps later but not til about 10 - to half past.

Maybe see some of you guys later.
No idea Dad, I remember in one game my first 5 kills were on the same guy and I ended up 10-domming him, maybe that was it?

You stuffed me today on outpost, nice game - was it 36-3?
No idea Dad, I remember in one game my first 5 kills were on the same guy and I ended up 10-domming him, maybe that was it?

You stuffed me today on outpost, nice game - was it 36-3?

A 10 dom would explain it - poor guy - can't believe he did'nt quit if you were handing out that kind a punishment

Yep 36:3 I had a good game - did you notice shrapnel in the game, not sure if it was proper transformer, I had 5dom on him, played him again later on outpost and he was good player .... not sure
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  • #97
It's almost like a "carry on" film sometimes. I'm up to the Stauger (is that how you spell it) at the moment but am always on the look out for dropped higher lvl weapons, love the Annova as it just has a mind of its' own....keep the trigger down, run round like a demented zombie after too much coffee and it seems to take ppl down I didn't even see!

"Carry On" film...I'll explain. I see a gun I want on the floor, mayhem all around, risk stopping to pick it up, guys shooting and running at me, pick up gun, stand up, bang bang bang bang bang and they're dead. I didn't even know they were there lol

So far I've picked up and played with the Annova, Vargen, Strata and Masterton. Love the Annova as it's lethal and has great accuracy, the Vargen jumps around in my hands but still leaves a few dead baddies scattered around, the Strata (it was silenced) is purely awesome but I feel it doesn't have the accuracy as the Annova, and the Masterton...that reminds me of a girl I once knew. I knew what I wanted her to do, even gave her directions, but she just did her own thing and bounced me all over the place but the outcome was still the same :)yesnod:) dead baddies in the case of the game, although I have to control her with a firm but steady hand. Ahhh Niki, I remember you well :ciappa:

Now Sniping! I just can't do it! I don't know where the best spots are and it seems that when I do try I always get gunned down before I find somewhere to hide. Hip fire with a sniper rifle seems hard too. Obviously the rate of fire doesn't help much but I always feel I'm running round with a broomstick in my hand. Also to any snipers reading this (apparently alot of ppl read this thread, weird) could I please put a request in for less shooting of me if you don't mind. There are plenty of other gamers around so you can go for them instead. Honestly lets have a week off from shooting me every time I stick my head round a corner or come running over to say hello in a game.

Oh well back to pretending to work :frown5:
lol - we all remember a Nikki ;)

I disagree with you about the Strata/Anova though, I feel the Anova is more inaccurate, but each to their own :)
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It sucks when the guys you team up with to play online are way higher lvls than you. I is gettin left behind :frown: But they gotta play with teams near their own lvl to allow them to get the most outta the game, fair play and 100% understand :wink:

I gots to find some 20somethings that can keep up now lol :yesnod:
It sucks when the guys you team up with to play online are way higher lvls than you. I is gettin left behind :frown: But they gotta play with teams near their own lvl to allow them to get the most outta the game, fair play and 100% understand :wink:

I gots to find some 20somethings that can keep up now lol :yesnod:

WTF !!!! Carlito you need to play with as many different players as possible, you say you're being left behind but i'd say you're catchin up !

You will always be welcome to play alongside me
Same here, you improve by playing with better players and you're always more than welcome with me.

If you are looking for 20-somethings though, not sure if you're already friends with MAC, but he's a very good 20-something too.
Just don't use the L2 button on your gold classic controller and you will get lots of hip fire kills im over 300. (level 35) 12 -2 or so am eastern standard im on i think your in my buddy list if not 2002 1308 6087 add me and ill add you we should play more if your buddies already. added ge fc, fc dauk, fc goldie, black echo, dauk add me and we can play. im up for any game.
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Hey Carlito et al..... yes im old.....yes im partial to drink...have children (well one, but she feels like 3 sometimes ;p...and yes i like the odd smoke whilst shooting 14 year olds online....

woooot... we got so much in comon already :p

been reading this thread for a few weeks since i started to play ge.
im loving it- thread and game, though ive only just created this account and the wii aint on- so i dont know my friend code (ill get back to that later)....

just wanted to pop by and say hi- hopefully we'll be able to hook up and i can give you all easy kills, with the odd lucky murder inbetween.

also ive a got few wee internal ge debates goin on...(ok im borderline psycho but i only kill pixels!!!!!

1: should i keep trying to level my guns? im lvl 17......doing bad with my available weps (sigmus/sigmus9/ stauger(?) all maxed.... as is segs shotgun... but i hate the assault rifles..... or should i just get good xp points by committing serial murders on any idiot that runs near the black box?

OK ILL OWN UP- im fairly crap at this game atm... still learning... some games i get 900 xp... some i get 50----- last few days ive been averaging 300-400...

so do i keep trying to max weps or should i just have a little fun getting high kill counts... (bare in mind, up till now my 10 kill streaks are like 6 in total... with a max 14 :/ )

2: is it even possible to fire3 rounds from a masterdon (on full auto) and hit all 3 within 400 yards of one another? IF SO..... advice please.

ok imma go and try to kill ppl now... everyone wish me luck...and ill look into that fc thingy.... ive found up till now that the better my opponent and the more i die..... the better i become, so i look forward to being owned for awhile.
damn will you look at the military precision..... already ive found my friend code! "M" would be pleased!!!!

"Are you expecting flowers?"

friend code: 490631458459...

this is the first time ive done this, so laugh, call me a bloody noob whatever..... but i need to add the other person too ye?

and after a few fast games.... ive noticed a major change ion my game style..... im TOTALY SH(....ouldnt say this word on the forums) now!

xp may be out by 5 or 10.... but after 4 games....


65 xp

20xp (i blame satan!)

50 xp

M....sack me now.
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