Goldeneye - A Noobs Tale (for the "older" players amongst us)

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  • #62
Man it's weird getting used to a bigger TV, I thought it would be a lot easier but it was just weird last night. The cursor was all over the place. Admittedly I wasn't in "game mode" myself, was a long day but thanks for the games chaps.

Maybe see you tonight.
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  • #63
With the new bigger tv text and image suffered and was blurred. I found a 3 quid components lead today, hooked it up and there is a major improvement all round. Highly recommend getting one if you don't already.

Laters taters

I'll be on around 11pm UK time tonight if any of you across the pond people are about.

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  • #66
50/50 for me tonight Pat, may watch a blu-ray on the new telly....but I am still hooked on this bloody game so ya never know lol

The addition of the component leads have made the game even more pleasurable now, picture looks great and sounds awesome.


Who the hell thought it would be a good idea to use the trigger (no idea what "letter" it's called) on the Wiimote to go "back" a step?? I was doing really really well last night in a game, got me a big chunk of xp and anyone who knows me knows I need it lol, but before the next game with the same people I dropped the Wii-mote to do the usual celebratory "I shot you down beeetch" chicken dance and backed out of the bloody screen, could not get back in and ended up having my arse politely sliced, diced and doggy bagged up by a team with a 56, a 54 a 40 something and a low level chap.

I have also rediscovered my love for the assault rifle...Tallos or Kallos or whatever it is.

See y'all later :sick:

Who the hell thought it would be a good idea to use the trigger (no idea what "letter" it's called) on the Wiimote to go "back" a step?? I was doing really really well last night in a game, got me a big chunk of xp and anyone who knows me knows I need it lol, but before the next game with the same people I dropped the Wii-mote to do the usual celebratory "I shot you down beeetch" chicken dance and backed out of the bloody screen, could not get back in and ended up having my arse politely sliced, diced and doggy bagged up by a team with a 56, a 54 a 40 something and a low level chap.

AGREED! I use the WII Zapper and had a nasty habit between rounds of just randomly aiming and pretending to fire at things, lamp, stereo, wife whatever...I for the most part have broken the habit, but it was so annoying.
I have also rediscovered my love for the assault rifle...Tallos or Kallos or whatever it is.

See y'all later :sick:

Wait till you get the Terralite. You'll love that gun. And then you'll have it for-ev-er and then you'll fall in love with the Anova on your very first day with it.
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  • #70
I've picked up both from dead baddies and didn't like the Terra thing but did love the Anova.
But yep, I know there's more to discover yet, wasn't keen on the Masterton either. Guess it takes practice to really use them.
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  • #71
I had some good games last night and managed to rack up a decent chunk of xp, so thanks Patrick, HOOT, Bolrae (slaps like a beetch) and anyone else I missed off.

Last night saw me gain the silencer, which I've been waiting for for a while. People have said it decreases power a little, improves accuracy and obviously keeps you hidden if that's your game plan. It's gone right on the sniper loadout which I never use but may start to now to level up the weapon at some point. But I wanted to ask, is it worth slapping the silencer on pretty much everything?

My loadouts primary weapons at the moment are:
1, Stauger
2, Sig 9
3, Pavlov sniper
4, Some shotgun I can't remember the name of
5, Tallos or Kallos assault rifle

As you can see I'm naff at remembering names :yesnod:

Any pointers are welcome so thanks in advance.

And at what level do I get to not be a noob anymore lol
I like a silencer on at least one loadout.

I think I was level 25 with a Terralite when I felt a 'real' player :)
dude - you got the silencer ... cool gadget !

Like BE I have one silenced loadout, and have throughout the game ,I'd say I still use it 75% of time. Always had it on the most powerful weapon i had at the time + HH to counter power loss.

Have fun with it
I never used the silencer until I got my Anova. I think it's because I wasn't good enough to not have some sort of sight on my gun. But now that I have my Strata, I use my silenecer always. It's fun to run around killing people with a very powerful gun and know that the other team has no idea where you are. My 10+ kill streaks have increased dramatically since I've had my silenced Strata. So I say use the silencer whenever possible. It makes the other team angry when you keep killing them and they don't know where to find you.

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