Goldeneye - A Noobs Tale (for the "older" players amongst us)

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  • #106
damn will you look at the military precision..... already ive found my friend code! "M" would be pleased!!!!

"Are you expecting flowers?"

friend code: 490631458459...

this is the first time ive done this, so laugh, call me a bloody noob whatever..... but i need to add the other person too ye?

and after a few fast games.... ive noticed a major change ion my game style..... im TOTALY SH(....ouldnt say this word on the forums) now!

xp may be out by 5 or 10.... but after 4 games....


65 xp

20xp (i blame satan!)

50 xp

M....sack me now.

Lol, nutter.

The clever ppl will tell you to max out your guns, but I can't do it because I'm impatient and switch to a gun I'm better with.

Personally I found myself beginning to take it all too seriously, had a word with myself and I'm back to having fun with it. Doesn't stop me swearin at the telly now and then but it does let me blow someone's head off with a weapon I can use rather than stick with something I miss with lol

Yep you add someone's friend code and they must also add yours, best to let ppl know you've added them with a message to their inbox.

Go shoot some random strangers from around the world with your sub machine gun...I'm gonna.

In the game of course...I don't really have a machine gun....well no ammo anyway.
thanks black...

i will add both of your accounts..... managed to get to lvl 18 last night... and now halfway to 19...

i'd have added you already but my inability to play more than 2 games on the trot (for the last few days) may have pi( shouldnt say this word either)ed you off and cause you to never invite me again....

hopefully in the next few days things will have calmed a bit here at home...then i can add you, consience free.

strange thing is- ive played more games in these last two days than any other two days... just not had the time to STAY online.

my available loadouts (that i havent maxed):


that other shotgun...not the segs... is it the "sly 2020"?

pavlova (yes i know its the pavlov... but in my hands it may aswell be a pudding!)

managed to pop in and out for last few days getting one or two kalios(?) and ak 47 kills...enough to max em....

what now? fun guns or persist in using pistols for points? im thinking ill max sly (its closer that interdictus) on shotgun lvls... and maybe go back to sig9 or stauger, whilst trying to rely on pistols.... oh and maxed torka... so that only leaves me a waterpistol. (oops i mean the p99).
wish me luck and i promise to add you in next 48 hrs.... god and "M" know i need the
Dark-G here....So Carlito....I am that sniper. Im pretty much the evil camper guy. I know all the spots, then the secondary spots, and then the spots you'd never even think of.I'll admit it, I simply have no "run-shoot" game. I do fairly well in the Archives because I think it's so chaotic it's tricky even for the best players to keep track of it all. Of all the levels I think Archives is the most even for high and low level players. The only real trouble is with proxies on that level...a skilled and committed 56 with proxies can make the archives very un-fun.I've also experienced a couple of the "napalm" rounds. I hid in the loft of the barn at the Docks while some nut jub blew up the entire level. Crazy.I like this forum. There are very few places where GE players congregate. There's a small Facebook community, and the big clans have their own pages. I do SO love going up against the Gun Slingers. I don't get alot of them but they they don't get me much either. Im a tricky bastard to kill.I believe that in Team Conflict your death numbers are almost, if not, MORE important than your eliminations. It's all well and good if you kill 19 people, but you also died 17 times. Essentially you've nullified your contribution to the team. Sure, I only killed 9 people...but died once. I was able to assist our team in victory, while not assisting our opponents. I'd rather win 29 - 21 letting time run out...than running around chaotically for 6 minutes and losing 40-36.just my two centsif you'd better kill me....if you kill'd better start checking the campgrounds...cause I've already crawled back under a tent...happy hunting
thanks black...

i will add both of your accounts..... managed to get to lvl 18 last night... and now halfway to 19...

i'd have added you already but my inability to play more than 2 games on the trot (for the last few days) may have pi( shouldnt say this word either)ed you off and cause you to never invite me again....

hopefully in the next few days things will have calmed a bit here at home...then i can add you, consience free.

Ok, let me know when you do.
Since teaming with so many of you over the last month I can see a real difference in my game, no longer am I the goat of the team...well sometimes still, but not as often. As of the age 30+ people (31 to be exact) I found it hard juggling work a 3 year old and keeping the wife happy... plus finding time to play. Well school is out and the teacher mode is away, hello a lot more free time! Aside from that I loved maxing out my guns, at almost lvl 39 I have 2 guns to finish a pistol and a shotgun.

Crazy Grant I will add you this evening, here is my FC [FONT=&quot]0868-2424-7761[/FONT]
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  • #115
I'll be watching the dark corners for you Dark g lol :wink:

I'm going on again tonight, might see you guys later.

Echo, cheers for the message man.
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  • #116
Hackers, hacking and those that run to them to get extra xp.

I ended up stumbling into a hacked game and left with some extra xp, it has messed my games right up. You get teamed with players according to level. So you'll be outplayed by those on your team and the opposing team.

It's simply not down to which weapon you use. Don't get me wrong, I know I can kill more of you with say the Anova than with my Stauger. However its not just about the gun. It's also about playing the maps to the point that you know them, know the high traffic areas, places to hide, to camp and the sniping spots. It's about becoming proficient with each gun that is better suited to each map. Sure a hacker might have them all but can he/she use them as efficiently as someone who has had to use them for many levels. I can take out many higher lvl guys because I can use my chosen gun well, because I've been stuck with it so long, AK excluded cos I just hate it lol.

I'm just trying to say, don't go running to the hackers for help. They can get you the guns but they can't give you the game time. And at the end if the day (its night) its about enjoying the game, if you peaked too soon, its all over too quickly....I'm sure that applies to something else too lmao

You want better guns to play with? Do what I do. Find a lvl 56, follow him, shock the crap outta them by killing them (lmao), pick up their gun and go play.

Here endeth the lesson etc etc
Dark G

Dark-G here....So Carlito....I am that sniper. Im pretty much the evil camper guy. I know all the spots, then the secondary spots, and then the spots you'd never even think of.I'll admit it, I simply have no "run-shoot" game. I do fairly well in the Archives because I think it's so chaotic it's tricky even for the best players to keep track of it all. Of all the levels I think Archives is the most even for high and low level players. The only real trouble is with proxies on that level...a skilled and committed 56 with proxies can make the archives very un-fun.I've also experienced a couple of the "napalm" rounds. I hid in the loft of the barn at the Docks while some nut jub blew up the entire level. Crazy.I like this forum. There are very few places where GE players congregate. There's a small Facebook community, and the big clans have their own pages. I do SO love going up against the Gun Slingers. I don't get alot of them but they they don't get me much either. Im a tricky bastard to kill.I believe that in Team Conflict your death numbers are almost, if not, MORE important than your eliminations. It's all well and good if you kill 19 people, but you also died 17 times. Essentially you've nullified your contribution to the team. Sure, I only killed 9 people...but died once. I was able to assist our team in victory, while not assisting our opponents. I'd rather win 29 - 21 letting time run out...than running around chaotically for 6 minutes and losing 40-36.just my two centsif you'd better kill me....if you kill'd better start checking the campgrounds...cause I've already crawled back under a tent...happy hunting

Ya pissed me off a few nights ago. I was running around killing the hell outa the other team - think it was black box - and you sniped me several times. So, I went hunting for you and, finally, after a long assed search, found you and got ya. Yer damned good at hiding.

Anyone who adds me send me a PM so I can add you back. I'm a bit on the slow side with adding folks, so it may take a few days but I'll add ya back.

Oh, I stick with black box mostly and I can't stand heroes mode. But if you want fun in BB or Team Conflict, holler and I'll be happy to join in.
if you have an ipod touch, download cydia. there is tons of emulators/games at

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