Goldeneye - A Noobs Tale (for the "older" players amongst us)

Ah, was that you, lvl 50? - Yes, it was a fairly destructive team!

Spooky, mine are 7&5 too :)

Can I be Pike? :)

Offcourse you can be !! all we need now is a Capt manwaring - Sgt Wilson ....... n so on !

I'll be the 'verger' .......... anythings better than dad.

cheers me dears
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  • #33
Had a few games with a couple of you guys, thanks for the invites.
Guys I emptied a full clip, always wanted to say that, into a lvl 19 guy and it was hi cap too, guy called Tomos and he didn't die. That normal?
My xp ranges from 30 to to 400 at the mo, I don't get it lol
Some if the games have been really choppy too recently.

I also noticed I have a few guns I need to lvl up, will doing that give Mr more xp? Hate sniping tho.
Yes, you get more XP each time you level the gun up, think it goes:

Lvl 1: 50XP
Lvl 2: 100XP
Lvl 3: 200XP
Lvl 4: 300XP
Lvl 5: 400XP
Lvl 6: 600XP

Or something like that.

No, a full clip should kill anyone, possibly hacking?

Thanks for the games :)
Yes, you get more XP each time you level the gun up, think it goes:

Lvl 1: 50XP
Lvl 2: 100XP
Lvl 3: 200XP
Lvl 4: 300XP
Lvl 5: 400XP
Lvl 6: 600XP

Or something like that.

No, a full clip should kill anyone, possibly hacking?

Thanks for the games :)

Spot on with lvl up xp - Mr Carlito should try maxing out his lower weapons first though - a sigmus might take down a level 14 but go above the 20's and it's like using a 'peeshooter', and max the ak with ouromov it's much easier, even bonds silenced p99 kicks butt.
Also, on the maxing subject I only have 'six IED's to get' to finish my combat abilities ....... if people can just stand next to my rtm's while I aim at them it would be very usefull !!!!!!!!!!!! lol



Have now added other posters on this page if they want to add me no probs !
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  • #36
Thanks for the tips dad, how bloody weird does that sound. Cheers mate.

BlackEcho, pmsl each time we play @ the melee hello. Priceless.

Sorting the kids out but will be on later to get rid of those work tomorrow blues.

Nice one you guys lol
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  • #37
Had a few good sessions over the weekend and seem to be picking up this hip firing thing a bit more…a bit. Big thanks to BlackEcho, dad and Target, sorry we couldn’t actually get a good game going mate, connection was naff.
Popped in to the local DVD store and grabbed my little girl a movie, whilst there I saw a second hand Wii Zapper for pennies so thought I’d give it a go. No thank you. I’d rather pop out my own eyes with a teaspoon and boil them in salty water for an hour than stick with the Zapper. Admittedly I gave it a total of 6 minutes before ripping it off mid-game to turn round and blast someone who thought I was an easy target. Thought I was an easy target lol…I was until the last few days.

My ability to gain XP is utterly bewildering at the moment, I range from 30 (ffs) to about 400. In some cases I have no idea what I’m doing different from a good game to a not so good game. I know I should me levelling up my weapons and I keep trying but when I’m getting my arse handed to me in a little bag it’s just so difficult to not revert back to my main loadout and try to regain some dignity. AK47 might sound cool in some hip hop tune but it’s a bloody awful thing in this game. I aim at something and end up shooting at something else about 12 feet above my initial target. Seems powerful enough but that doesn’t matter too much when you can’t actually hit anything with it.

Oh and my username online changed last night to “DadsArmy-1” simply having a giggle with B.E. and dad, it may end up back to Carlito at some point.

Guys when I’m playing Blackbox and all the baddies are sat around it shooting the crap out of it, does it cause more damage if I chuck a grenade at them?

Happy hunting (if it’s me you’re hunting take pity pls) and hopefully see you guys later.

Oh B.E. cool idea to get my attention with the whole name thing “Carlito UK chat sent you a party invite” lol got it but a minute too late I think.

Laters taters :yesnod:
Had a few good sessions over the weekend and seem to be picking up this hip firing thing a bit more…a bit. Big thanks to BlackEcho, dad and Target, sorry we couldn’t actually get a good game going mate, connection was naff.
Popped in to the local DVD store and grabbed my little girl a movie, whilst there I saw a second hand Wii Zapper for pennies so thought I’d give it a go. No thank you. I’d rather pop out my own eyes with a teaspoon and boil them in salty water for an hour than stick with the Zapper. Admittedly I gave it a total of 6 minutes before ripping it off mid-game to turn round and blast someone who thought I was an easy target. Thought I was an easy target lol…I was until the last few days.

My ability to gain XP is utterly bewildering at the moment, I range from 30 (ffs) to about 400. In some cases I have no idea what I’m doing different from a good game to a not so good game. I know I should me levelling up my weapons and I keep trying but when I’m getting my arse handed to me in a little bag it’s just so difficult to not revert back to my main loadout and try to regain some dignity. AK47 might sound cool in some hip hop tune but it’s a bloody awful thing in this game. I aim at something and end up shooting at something else about 12 feet above my initial target. Seems powerful enough but that doesn’t matter too much when you can’t actually hit anything with it.

Oh and my username online changed last night to “DadsArmy-1” simply having a giggle with B.E. and dad, it may end up back to Carlito at some point.

Guys when I’m playing Blackbox and all the baddies are sat around it shooting the crap out of it, does it cause more damage if I chuck a grenade at them?

Happy hunting (if it’s me you’re hunting take pity pls) and hopefully see you guys later.

Oh B.E. cool idea to get my attention with the whole name thing “Carlito UK chat sent you a party invite” lol got it but a minute too late I think.

Laters taters :yesnod:

Haha I have an AK and IRL they are exactly the same. Way too overpowered, loud as hell and inaccurate BUT reliable! Will fire under any condition. You can bury it in the sand for five years dig it up and it will fire... Even while on fire lol <----- Not me

I just started playing BB and I find its easier to shoot the BB but grenades do a bit more damage if you can get them in close enough. Mines are much better and if you're lucky you will get some explosive eliminations because no one is paying attention.
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  • #39
Had some more top games recently and just noticed I'v gone up a couple of levels too. Hip fire is coming on although the "oh my god he's running at me what do i do what do i do" panic still sets in and although I try to strafe the "noob dance" is still somewhat apparent, in fact I actually think I saw someone chasing me last night just stop and break down laughing at me. One thing I NEVER remember to do is melee. By the time I think about it I'm blasting away and someone just thwacks me in the head. Need to remember the melee.

Rookie if you're reading this I hate you so much. He's very good damn him to hell.

I have noticed more the guys who use the grenade launcher and I'm with the majority of you in that it's a complete pain in the arse.

I can honestly say I have played about 20 minutes of the actual GoldenEye game itself, I just go right to online play. In fact I'll have a look tonight to see what my stats are and post them up so you can all have a giggle.
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  • #40
Well last night I was Mr McSucky, of the clan McSuck on sucky day in the land of Sucksville. One game was fine then the next was rubbish, then fine again etc etc… I guess you just get days like that, in fact I think I need a break from it, maybe I’ve had overkill for the last couple of weeks. Was one of those nights where as soon as I spawned someone shot me, spawn, shot, spawn, take three steps, shot. I think my control settings had something to do with the suckiness to be honest, I had them set as a custom setting but then tried the experienced pre-sets and it all went wrong. No idea what my custom settings were so will tinker next time I’m on, unless any of you guys have an idea on settings you want to share??

I did jot my stats down and they’re not at all impressive, although if I’m honest I wouldn’t know what was impressive and what wasn’t. Just having a laugh and remembering it’s just a game. I have started to pick my game up a bit but last night was just a non-starter. I play mostly BB, Heroes and TC in that order preference but have noticed late UK time it’s very hard sometimes to find a game without having to wait for ages.
Level: 18
Rank: LT Grade 2
XP: 45980
Time Played: 1 day-21 hours-19 mins
Wins: 198
Ratio: 0.74

Main Loadout:
Stauger (sometime Sig 9)
Torka (never used pistols)
Heavy Hitter
Bio-booster (not sure this is worth having tbh)

Always check my friends out to see who's around before starting. Now that I'm picking up the ins and outs of the game I am noticing cheaters (where i wouldn't have sussed anything before) as in low levels with huge streaks, weapons and proxies. Still can't work out the best loadout for gen run n gun...Stauger - Simus 9 :scared:
Don't give up mate, it'll come, we all have good days and bad days.

You'll have the silencer soon and then the laser.

Personally I think the Sig 9 is a beast.

Always feel free to invite me, if I'm not hosting a game or already in a party I'll play with you.

DAUK forever ;)
I'm also partial to the Sig9, maybe it's just because of the beefy sound it makes. For more open maps like outpost or the docks, however, I use the Kallos for run-n-gunning. It's more accurate at longer range.

My favorite part of being noobish is picking up an elite weapon like an Anova, and getting about .001 seconds to admire it in my pixelated fingers before getting gunned down.
Hey, good games tonight mate, keep it up. You're definitely better at lvl 18 than I was.

Hi Guys - when you on this weekend ? have not partied up for a few days BE & Carlito !!

carlito - I agree with BE - yer a good lvl 18 - remember when you play with us you get 'loaded out' in BIG games with lvl50+ players ... at lvl18 i used to quit if i saw a lvl40+ so yer playin tough games .......... maybe we could play a 2nd profile if BE's up for it - I got a lvl27 & lvl16 - if yer want to me to send fc's let me know.


goldie - DAUK - proud member

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