Goldeneye - A Noobs Tale (for the "older" players amongst us)

GGs to Woadie,Blackecho and lil'spoon. Good games and good hosting Woadie, never a fun time hosting bud :(

LOL game was playing weird for ages last night, finally realised why on memorial, my wii mote batteries were dead....goddam remote just turned off LOL.....sent me running around house looking for batteries in a panic :)

Thanks again for the games peeps !!
my broken wii :( ????

ok carl- you keep saying i need to look into it- well today i was able to invite ppl and even play a whole game! woooooooooooooooooooooooot!!!

but up till this morning i still got the 'party has disbanded blah blah' message when trying to accept invites.

short of either learning to open my wii and hack it.....OR throwing it into a wall......

im at a loss at what to do.

when its happened before it seemed to sort itself out- hence my thought it was a glitch.... but last time it only lasted a day or so... this has been 3(?) days...well since that night you and echo tried to invite me.

so any ideas guys?
or just get my rotivator and teach my wii a real lesson?
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  • #276
I'm not techy enough fella but definitely post something in the relevant section of this forum, isn't there a techy section? See what we get back from that and if no solution an email to Nintendo themselves. End of the day mate it'll kill the online side of things for you if we don't get it fixed. I'll look for you in a bit and try again.
tbh C, ive not really looked to see if there is a tech forum.....

thats something to do daytime.... but not tonight. Mr Tennents says i must stay and chill with him and play online right now...AND Mr Dutchy says the same.

ill be online in about 5 mins or so- but im going to fiddle around then ill join the chat and see what happens.
and cheers for the games... sorry im a bit pissed- ok so i got 1st place- but it was 13-11 kdr- at least you did good Carlito! i will try harder next time sir!
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  • #280
lol no worries my mate, we had a good few games man. Found that spot where you can nail the snipers in the boat room.

I'm guessing your little girl woke up, catch you soon fella.
I would guess it wasn't the Wii hardware, probably more likely to be something to do with your online connection/router.
Thanks for the games yesterday BE.... Carlito sorry if I missed any invites, I saw you were on but was grinding for my strata so was not looking to party up :(

Mission now complete :) expect invites now !!!!!
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  • #283
No worries matey, I missed yours, you missed mine lol

Last night I got my highest XP per game yet...I think. It was around 1400 and I made lvl 32 too :yesnod:

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