Goldeneye - A Noobs Tale (for the "older" players amongst us)

LOL Pat ...nice one :)

I pinched that one to post on Spot..... too funny to let go by.

PM me if you fancy swapping fc's on my second account. It only has Carlito and B E :(

PS Carlito I got my Anova now :p
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  • #244
Lol I've picked one up in the past, pulled the trigger briefly and ran out of ammo, had to leggit from the guy I tried to kill lol.
Lol I've picked one up in the past, pulled the trigger briefly and ran out of ammo, had to leggit from the guy I tried to kill lol.

lol .... i have one in a couple of my loadouts and when i run out of ammo, i try to use it on people ... sometimes i think that the more experienced players let me shoot at them with it so they can laugh at me as i run out of ammo and they kill me ....

Also a older-but-should-know-better goldenye player here. And I definitely feel your pain at getting beat by the kids who don't care that our FPS skills are still stuck in the "Wolfenstein on the Amiga" era.

As such, I decided that my profile name would be: GETOFFMYLAWN

Oh Wolfenstein .... that was a great game ... i'm not talking about the new wolfenstein, the Wolfenstein 3D from the early 90s... i used to play it with my dad because i was awesome at finding secret chambers .... that was the only other FPS i ever played until this (sad i know) .... damn that was almost 20 years ago ... now i feel old ... lol
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  • #246
Good! I'm just glad I'm not alone lol I'm hoping Nintendo will add to the game...maybe pixelated characters in wheel chairs rolling down the hill in jungle, or with zimmer frames up and down the stairs in facility....Omg, they would have my face.
seen you online a bit lately carlito- ive had so much more time these last few weeks :D

never able to join your games though... oh well, you can kill me another time lol
remind me what the chatzy room is again please... ive signed up with them now.
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  • #248
Grant have a look at Blackechos signature, its in there bro.Level 31 now and not used the kunara yet lol
cant believe you havent used the kunara... even if its just for levels- ive got 2 kills and 1lvl left- and im only 7k to lvl30 lol

i love that gun- though tbh its a tie between m5a and kunara.

in my experience- kunara is better to go looking for kills with but m5a is the gun you use when you are out of bullets.
ive taken out 3 players with one clip- ran in and shot like "acertainbrittishclothingcompany" :)wink:) and still survived.

ggs carlito,BE,and hoot I think lol......what happened....did we my kdr still ok....why don't I feel good today :(

I can remember someone getting his strata...congrats on that lol.

All I can say is that I doubt playing drunk improved my performance,won't try it again for a while I think :D
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Thanks guys, you helped me stay up and get that Strata otherwise I'd probably have gone to bed :)

Alcohol doesn't help :)
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  • #251
Urrrgghh "Drunken Bond" whilst funny at the time certainly takes its toll the next day. I died a lot trying to figure out the grenade launcher which I've never used before and never will again. I only improved after finishing the wine with xp at around 800, last game with Andy in docks lol. Congrats on strata Piers.Nice seeing Hoot briefly. And where's that bloody Canadian when we need him eh? Lol I've got a bloody Bentley to go detail now...and its started raining. Catch you guys later.
Will you guys be on today ? I'm going on as Goldie though....I want to see me go up the elimination rankings lol. Now that BE has his strata maybe he won't mind me stealling his kilss now LOL :p
still bored of bond carlito?

and ye, your team won- and ye i managed to only get a couple of mins play..... and ye i suicided from a drop.....

AND YE..... that was me that spoiled your streak :sick:...
afterall- apparently the only thing in this game im better than you is in my streak.... and im damn sure ill hunt you out just to keep it that way- with a strategically annoying lucky kill around the 9 mark- better for points lol

but if you are getting bored of bond for real, try playing the story game- and play at least at agent level. then go back to online play. works for me! :yesnod:
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  • #254
lol Grant only bit i remember is you dropping off the building in Outpost, was only then I realised you were in the game. When I'm playing I rarely notice streaks etc until the little thing pops up to tell me I got a streak or a high domination of someone. Feckin proxies are pi**ing me off at the moment, every bugger seems to have them, of course a lot are hackers etc but I'll get in to a game and every time I run round a corner there's a mine with no high lvl guys playing :frown5:

And toobers WTF!!! Noobs and high lvl guys take note...99% of the people you play against will automatically think "Wa*ker!" as soon as you start toobing, most will just leave to find someone with some skill to play, others will just laugh at you when you blow yourself up every second shot. I remember names of those that can't play...I mean use toobs, and when I get in a game with you I'll slap you about a bit :yesnod: and then leave.

Yep my game name last night was "BoredofBond" and to be honest it's getting that way a lot recently, the host quits, the rubbish players (hackers) running round with Ivanas and proxies, the wait to actually get a game sometimes, the lag when you do find a game. I only really get to play at night time mostly, when the kids are in bed. And then just as I do start to get in to it it's getting too late and I need to crash out.

I mentioned it a while back that I was looking for another game to use as a back up for when GE just doesn't do it for me, due to nobody being on or not getting a game for whatever reason. Personally I just CBA with the story game, don't think I've played more than 20 mins of it since getting the game a couple of months back.

I think I need to play more tbh but just don't get the time :frown5:

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