Goldeneye - A Noobs Tale (for the "older" players amongst us)

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  • #256
Has anybody had problems actually finding a game today/last night? I've been waiting for ages (looks like crazygrant has too) on Heroes, TC, BB...but nothing happening. MNanaged to get in to one with an invite from NL Jack but when the host quit I've found nothing since and that was say 20 mins ago...anyone?
ye its stupid today carlito....

6 games started (all tc) tried all types of games except classic (only lvl 30 lol)

5 games host quit..... well if your are too **** to avoid me shooting you 5 times in a row then dont bloody log into the game then! dont waste my time with your 2 mins and 8 deaths, host quit routines.... morons!

and what makes it worse???????????

ill tell you what- im crap on this game compared to most- and even i scare you all off!

then if you do get a noob over lvl 20 hosting- they start to get beaten and pull out silencers

so i do.... THEN they host quit.

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  • #261
Yeah man I'll be in about tenish but shattered today, will def need my couple of warm up games.See ya in a bit.
hey guys... you need to invite me to a tltk one day.... still been unable to get a game since hitting lvl 30 :(
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  • #265
Good point actually, Grant get yaself in chat fella.

Guys I have someone on my friends list who is a 56 but managed to do that in four days of play. Now you all know I don't get this hack stuff but us that possible? 56 in 4 days...
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cant be! unless there are scoring like 120 kills per heroes or whatever....

as for the chat room.... damn yes- so i do!!!!

my life is hectic- periods of quiet- then madness- then start again atm... i WILL do it!

i WILL join the chat......

i will remember.... wont i?

just logged into chat- go look for proof- ok i forgot to log in as member but wth? ill be online in around an hour if all goes well. 13k to my pistolofdeath- aka kunara.
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I'm in there now, for a bit, then should be back around 23:00

Just let my 7 year old son have his first online game (we've played split screen before).

First game he joined Team Conflict in Memorial with a couple of minutes left and went 1-5, I thought 'well done you managed to kill someone', more than I thought he would.

Next game he got a full game in Docks and went 9-5 with a Sig 9!

He's now banned from playing before he gets better than me!
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Just let my 7 year old son have his first online game (we've played split screen before).

First game he joined Team Conflict in Memorial with a couple of minutes left and went 1-5, I thought 'well done you managed to kill someone', more than I thought he would.

Next game he got a full game in Docks and went 9-5 with a Sig 9!

He's now banned from playing before he gets better than me!

LOL I've said this before but my 7 year old is a demon with the golden gun !! His tactics suck though.....he always goes negative in team games :(......bit like his dad lol !!
Yes GGs bud.... even hosting was OK for the few games we had, that is strange !!!

Gotta keep grinding for my Strata LOL..... I want it this week :)

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