Goldeneye - A Noobs Tale (for the "older" players amongst us)

They didn't have a chance to get near me with you lot around! - only got an 18 streak in the whole 10 mins!

Good run in Industrial Andy. Using being toobed as an excuse to get my Masty out at the mo :)
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sorry bout ignoring you last night black ....

wee girl had woken up and was sitting with me as i was half playing away for a few games... hopefully catch up soon... i need the back up.
No probs mate, we had 3, just wondered if you were free to make up a foursome :)

Where is everyone?
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Where is everyone?

Sorry about missing your invites yesterday bud. I was partied up with Hank and some L2K guys. Hope to catch some games with you over the weekend :)

@ Carlito.....long time no play :( We need to sort that out LOL
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Hi chaps, sorry first week in new job and the girls have been ill. Just not had time, will be on later tonight though.Missing it to be honest ;-)
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  • #314
As if by feckin magic....Ta-dahhh!Guys I am so sorry, new job doesn't leave much time but that's all gonna change. Been back in recruitment a month and realised I still hate it lol so another new job starts in a couple of weeks. Tad more money too. So will be on a but more regula regularil regulsrilil ....more often lol Gonna get in for a bit tonight to, so come on...ouze avin it! Lmao

PS I know you missed me Admit it, you missed me It's our secret lol
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