Goldeneye - A Noobs Tale (for the "older" players amongst us)

Yeah...honestly I had a mad day yesterday on Mr Jones....had numerous 40+ games...a 51-3-10 on docks plus my newly acquired 33 streak on Outpost as bond :) in all I cleared 48K xp yesterday....but I did'nt stop playing while nearly 2 in the morning, even carl had gone offline then lol

All thanks to AERO for suggesting to play in the morning, you would not believe how many low levels play at that time !!!!!!
ye- me too lol

but your 33 streak streak.........

if i pray to you will you grant me your wishes? my god man 33!!!!

i thought my 16 was (a lucky) good streak......
LOL noobs + Bond on outpost is just rape and pillage time....just move around the buildings at russian spawn...don't stay still, trust me eventually you will rack up a good streak. Watch for snipers in middle tower, don't kill him and go for spawn lock underneath the tower...whilst avoiding being sniped by him lol.

Only way to get streaks is by sniping and run&gun (need MT for that though) or going Hero IMO

Grant let me know if you want me to add you to my alt...thats the account I play with Carlito and BE on :D
Sorry I couldn't accept your invite last night mate, was already partied.

My computer has died! PC World say 2 to 4 weeks to repair it! See you in a month! Keep the invites coming, but doubt I'll be in the chat room! :(
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  • #292
No data package on your phone? That's how I used the room until a couple of weeks ago. Sorry about the pc man, hope it gets sorted quickly.
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  • #294
Jeeze, I seem to be on fire at the moment, not literally of course. My xp now ranges from 100-1500ish lol Another level up the other day and another last night. This can't last forever though, couple of 15ish streaks a day and lots if hero elims and assist elims too. Yay for me....for now lol
hey gratz on the level.... and how did today go?

as for ge... i made it to lvl 31 then hit the sack last night. had 985ish xp when you logged. took 3 games lol- last one i only needed 1 kill too.

as for your scores- that last game on memorial....

we both did actually quite good seeing as we hate it. but YOU.... my god man! 17-3, we won, you got another 15 streak

AND 1700+ score.... didnt you see it? tried to tell you in chat but i dont think you noticed lol.
VERY well played. that was actually the highest score ive witnessed cept on vids. gratz.

oh and i just owned a lvl 56 with a 5dom with my new shiny kunara. so now im gonna go and do a "hahaiownedyou" dance :sick:
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  • #296
yay at owning higher levels lol Nice work on the 31 dude, you been waiting for that Kunara for ages, congrats!

Didn't notice my 1700+ last night, was shattered though. We do work well matey.

As for today, interview went really well to be honest. Think they might have topay me more than they thought but we'll see.

Catch you tonight fella.
yup will do.... adn well done on the interview, sounds like it went good.

ye'll ill be on, probably around the same sorta time. vya then.
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  • #298
Wow! Is it just me or can you really tell school/college has started again? Nowhere near as many ppl on at the mo, especially during the day. Hope to catch a few games tonight but I've been on the bubbly already celebrating new hic job hic
Great games last night Carl, Grant, Andy.

Grant, thanks for the protection on industrial, think I went nine mintutes 50 secs as hero!
ye gg guys....cheers

as for that hero run.... i was like wtf? are you invisible to them lol.

it was like they wanted you to survive :p

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