Goldeneye - A Noobs Tale (for the "older" players amongst us)

Carlito & BE....I should be on today, might be partied up with a [RS] or a potential new guy if I'm Goldie. Otherwise its alt all the way !!!! mmmmmmmmmm Anova :biggrin:
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Stop rubbing it in, you know I want that gun. I've not been on form the last couple of sessions although I blame beer for my sub 300 xp game last night. Got a car to polish today so might get on late afternoon but will be on at night too.

Andy, sorry I had to bail but its sunny here and the light shines on the tv...can't see a bloody thing, especially the darker maps. Hope to catch you tonight fella.

What is it with this bloody game! One day I'm getting high streaks and doms and then the next day lvl 15 are handing me my arse and dignity in a brown paper bag. Admittedly a few tins doesn't help but what do I do...not have a beer because of a game? Non! And sometimes its guys I've annihilated in the past. I hate looking forward to a session with the guys in this thread and then sucking so much I wanna go play frckin pack man or somethin.

*strops off sulking...bloody sunlight....stupid batteries....bloody stupid stuff
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Aw, don't be so harsh on yourself, we all have good and bad days. From what I've seen recently, you're playing well. Will catch you later.
cheers for the game last night carlito....
i played pretty pants, so sorry bout that... and i had to duck out after that first game because i managed to lvl to 29- ran out to change loadouts for my vargen and couldnt manage to re-join your games.

i see what everyone says about the vargen now- rarely fired it till now- tried 2 games both starting with a reflex scope vargen.... BIG mistake.

when i switched to my silenced vargen loadout though i went on to win 2 games of conflict with 19-5 and 15-6
next game i tried the reflex load again for the whole game of tc..... had ass kinda handed to me with a 14-13 and a team loss. oh well lol no more "mr noiseyvargen" for me :sick:
The Vargen has a great rate of fire and a big clip, its good up close and personal like in Archives if you're not a Shotgun type, but if you silence it I feel that the accuracy is much improved even over longer distance. I found it really good for shooting into the boatroom in Docks or in Memorial.
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  • #231
I tinker with it now and then, always silenced though. At the mo its silenced and unsilenced terra on all maps except shot gun in archives. See you all later.
Hey all, been a few weeks but I am back, first game 19-2-9, not bad way to shake the rust and chased a WC guy from the match, but I am sure he would have a "reason" for leaving...anyways hope to see you all soon and good luck again C.

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