Goldeneye - A Noobs Tale (for the "older" players amongst us)

Good games last night Carlito & Blackecho :)

We had some silly scores on TC like 40-5 if I remember right. One game we all had identical scores like 11-1.. good stuff. I even got me a mellee shake of Carlito :biggrin5:

Look forward to more of the same :wink:
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  • #213
Yeah I told Echo I wsnt on form and then managed to dominate lol Also hit level 30 last night and then hung around til Echo hit 42. I did feel guilty beating the level 16 - 20 guys tho, wasn't so long ago that was me. Picked up lots of tricks and tips since playing with the guys in this thread, Echo, Patrick, Goldie and everyone else too. I am proof that no matter what level you are you can still team up and have fun with any level, lol Echo and Goldie used to watch my back when I was level 18, now I've saved them a few times too. So lower level guys don't get too disheartened, I was you and now its me feeling guilty for 5 dominating players. And those level 56s that worry you or make you quit...most of them ain't what they're cracked up to be and they all die. Keep persevering, get your Stauger, then your Terralite and remember use the right gun for each map. If you haven't already pimp a loadout for shotguns for archives, assault rifle for outpost and jungle and smg for close quarter stuff. But more than anything don't get stressed and remember to have fun. IT'S A GAME See ya tonight guys, will be in chat from 10-10:30pm UK time.
gratz on the lvls guys....
just had an annoying host quit happen to me:

this dude on my team for the two games we played.... he was around lvl 13 or 14 i think (dont think he was high enough for stauger).
he was hosting and our team won... then second game there on docks our team was SMASHING IT... he was doing ok- either 3rd or 4th in team, on other team only "camping colin" (?think thats his name) was competting on other side... the rest were just mobile targets...(no offence- im the same some games too lol)

must have had about 2 kills and 4 mins left then......

host quit!

damn it! why dude, why????

oh ye, thats right- us guys here are the parents that say " turn it off now!".... im guessing he wasnt :wink:
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  • #215
Looking like I won't be on until later than I thought, sick kid. But will add your Fc tonight Grant, totally forgot last night sorry. And the number of host quits I'm getting recently has been infuriating so I feel your pain
urgh host quits!

my internet from Bloody Terrible (bt) has been playing up since yesterday..... typical

i get 4 days off from my careers responsibilities...AND my wee girl started back to school today...and now this!

my profile keeps dropping- the hubs connection keeps resetting itself- leaving me with a super low profile and adn connection speed of....wait for ... UPTO 27kb/s- yes thats half the speed of the ole 56k dialups...
and when i do get a game...... host quits!
ignore any invites i send you carlito- until i tell you otherwise- sorry bout that if it interupted you at all...

seems anytime i try to send invites- my wii crashes... tried with my friend to do it before and got same result- apparently i can recieve invites etc- just have a problem if i try to send them.
Hey Carlito....why is the chatzy room saying I've used it too much ??? Won't let me in ?? I have not used for a few confused :confused5::confused5::confused5:
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  • #219
No idea lol I'm registered with that chatzy thing, just needs a valid email, and it let me in ok. Admittedly it did get me to retype my name and colour again. Weird
I love this post! I too am a married, hard working father who likes to play bond. Been playing since the original version came out on the 64 hence the "OG" (original goldeneye).
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  • #222
Hey Tactikil, glad to find another Dad playing bond.OG, I just have Ice T shouting stuff in my head now, lol. Maybe play you soon man.
ye, cheers for the games you guys... i seemed to play a little better when i joined up with you guys...

i'm leaving it there for tonight. 1910xp to vargen...... hopefully ill get a wee shot tomorrow and level up. thanks again for the games.
Good luck with the Vargen, the only way I can really get on with it is silenced (with HH of course). The silencer really seems to improve the accuracy.

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