Goldeneye - A Noobs Tale (for the "older" players amongst us)

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  • #197
Damn you all for not seeing my 16 kill streak, my two 5 dominations and my highest xp so far of 1600 Doubt it'll happen again for a while lol See you tonight
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  • #198
Got level 29 tonight with a little help from Blachecho II, Patrick and One Man Army, which of course unlocks the Vargen. I've picked these up before and quite liked them but its going to take some getting used to, still like my Terra. When you level up weapons, besides xp, what do you get? Does the weapon improve? The vargen seems to jump about a bit more than I remembered.
No, the weapon doesn't improve, you just get used to it. The Vargen does take some getting used to but is very good in close situations if, like me, you're not a shotgun man.
Carlito, hey...
was that you i played with a few hours ago... we got our asses handed to us in the docks. think you topped our teeams score with 8 and me a close second with 6 lmao.

well if it was you then cheers for seeing that first one out with me. those pesky clans eh lol

but if it WAS you..... man you left me alone to fight the outpost with that lvl 40odd who joined.... again, asses were handed out. but we both managed to double our kills.....

i got 4 he ended on 8 (the bar steward:wink:)

anyway, was fun if fruitless!
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  • #201
Lol hi mate. I remember a game with a 56, 52 a 40 and a 16 or something like that, but the hi levels were teamed up, all 3. Using spec r guns and proxies everywhere. U think I was the highest lvl on the other team with two lvl 8s or similar. To be fair if I was lvl 50 something I'd use the top end weapons but not against a team with low lvl guys, did they really expect them to hang around. I'll play hi lvls all day, and I do, but not when they're just taking the piff with proxies ALL the time.Good playing mate and will catch you again soon. Get yourself in the chat room when you're playing too ;-)

Played heroes and came up against two lvl
50 somethings in the court yard on docks. Just sd I was about to fire they BOTH turned in to heroes whilst running at me. I can only assume the change process obscured their view as I nailed both if them. HA
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  • #202
The amount of host quits by noobs and hi levels alike is really starting to piss me off, so much so I was wondering are there other fps that don't have this so much, this being my first online game.
That is a real good question. Is there? I mean it is geting old FAST! Host quits are the biggest draw-back to this otherwise awesome game.
Hey C! I will be on from time to time and checking the chat room, I may not be on as much and with no clan tag anymore. Hope to still team up dude! Lol it is funny when people's only contact is through a video game and chat room.
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  • #205
Last night was ridiculous, so many host quits. I think there are still enough ppl playing and new ppl starting but I struggled for ages to find a game that lasted more than a map or two. Love the game and even more so when teamed up with the few good friends I have in my list, high and lower lvls. I'll carry on playing of course but was wondering if there is something similar out there or coming soon.Pat, mate its you, Blackecho, Goldie and the few others I play with that keep me checking in and coming back. You also have a pm mate. I'll keep on playing this game, love it and the ppl but would be good to have a second choice when I've waited for ages for a game and the frustration gets too much. I ain't leaving lol gonna get to the high lvls as I've a few scores to settle lol but like I said, when I can't find a game something else as a backup might help.
I hear ya dude and did play a couple tonight and will check you for you lot as well. Love playing with you all. Tossed ya a couple PMs dude
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Add me to the thirty-somethings with kids and a wife. Been following the thread and enjoying it.I feel your pain BlackEcho. I was almost to level 33 and my Wii tanked. After a two week hiatus, I bought a new Wii and started over as Capn Zed 2.0. I'm now a pretty good level 9. I miss my silenced Palov and my Vargen!Look for me--I play often about 10 pm your time.
ive done it! at last lol

carlito and blackecho... you guys are added now my ge fc is : 490631458459

added both your accounts black.

oh i guess i need to update my sig too... coz in game i AM "Crazygrant" now....
as for the chat room thingy- guess ill be needing to sign up to chatzy now too.... all this work just to murder pixels, meh. lol

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