Goldeneye - A Noobs Tale (for the "older" players amongst us)

Am I missing something here? How the hell do you keep track of friends in your list when they change their game names? Please someone tell me there's an easy way I don't know of.

Yeah, I change my name fairly often...sometimes a few times a night. If we ever party-up, Carlito, I'll give you a crouching melee handshake, followed by a shot in the air. :)
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Yeah, I change my name fairly often...sometimes a few times a night. If we ever party-up, Carlito, I'll give you a crouching melee handshake, followed by a shot in the air. :)
Mate have I got you on my list? Will add tonight just in case I've not lol
carlito, hello again.
and you too blackecho.

ive had the pleasure of playing against you a couple of times now carlito i believe. seem to remember you and i @ docks meeting for 4kills (2 each) at start of game in/around the room that links the two main zones. admitedly your team won 2 of the 3 games we played before i had to leave.

as for not adding you guys. sorry.
going through a family illness atm. although that means im at home a LOT more atm, i cant always get as far as 2 whole games before needing to switch off and help out. would like to get involved in more games with OR against you guys but it would be unfair atm coz someone else would miss out, then all of a sudden id have to quit after a game- leaving you short and the poor other guy annoyed.
i shoulda said- in game my name is just a boring old

Grant (but dont confuse me with that lvl 16 noob that keeps blowing himself up with the noob tube....his name is grant BUT with a lower case g)
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Hey fella, no worries. Family first as should be. Hope it all gets sorted for you soon Grant, come find us if you need an outlet that involves pixelated chaps with pixelated guns in a pixelated world. See you soon mate.
Thanks for the games guys....nice mellee handshake on memorial carlito, I sometimes forget about that LOL.

Looks like i may only get a few late games at the moment with kids being on holidays, so expect more visits :)

I think my wii mote is dying :( I seem to be suffering lag at the moment, but I'm starting to wonder if its the controller thats not helping. I keep having moments in the game where i get stuck going in one direction, last night it was EVERY game. Also keep finding myself randomly melleeing as I'm moving !! Either way its very annoying :mad5:

Well moan over, GGs to you guys, we gave the NON hero spawning 56's something to think about :)
Hi Carlito, Jay here, level 23. I am so glad I have found someone who feels the same injustice that I do. Probably the same age as well. Fully sympathize. look out for me I am always on either black box or Consoles. And I tell you what, let's team up and even make a pact. If you are the enemy I will stay by your side and protect you and when you see me hack another console just come up and nod your head to say hi. Yep, I will hit my own, just a little hack there, let's re-define this game and invent our own espionage network - you know- throw alittle confusion into the battle; anyway let's kick those cocky little 45 er's and 56 er's out, dismantle those rats with the proximity annoyances, and spread some terror and respect.

If you have a code may I have it?
Thanks for the invite to your party, Carlito. Sorry I had to bail after a few games, but being host is a lag-fest. Not sure why it forced me to be host, as my wireless router is 2 floors up. Plus, it's a beautiful day outside here and had to get out of the basement (i.e. getting nagged to mow the lawn).
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No worries mate, was good to have you along. We'll see you again no doubt and maybe catch up in the chat room. Saamy my code is in my sig fella. Good games last night with elflacco, waggy and of course blackecho.

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