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1st of all having a name as Cheater is childish.
2nd of all i can do & talk about what i like on the forums,
all i said was i dont like his name cuz i hate cheaters.
3rd of all you all trash talkn about me dont effect me cuz this is just the internet if it was in real life in person i would wip your ***. Now learn some respect b4 opening your mouth
4th of all 95%-100% ppl that put cheater,hacker,glitcher in there name are in FACT do what there name say, i kno for a FACT cuz i been online gaming for 12years from PC, PS2, PS3, PSP & now also on Wii. so mabe he should not name himself cheater is all i am saying if he wont want to be called one then. i was not trying be a jerk till you all opened your mouth bashing me cuz i base my Fact on my 12years online gaming & rest you all owe me a sorry for talkn trash about me, cuz me & cheater been chating in private messages for 2days & he pretty cool guy. he also talked to me in private message with recpect & explained he not really a cheater & so on, while rest you acted childish & started bashing. so there for i have RESPECT for Cheater for being a real MAN & talking to me with Kind Respect. & ill keep talkn to Cheater in private messages & hope play with him in Mario Kart Wii.

You know, I don't really care about what people think about my name. My username is Cheater cuz I know people in this kind of forums don't like those kind of players. In fact i don't even care about cheaters/hackers or whatever.
*Sigh* Dude, I got nothing to say. I just don't give a f*** about comments, posts or replies... :)

Btw.. If my name is childish..then that would make sense cuz I'm 16. :D
1st of all having a name as Cheater is childish.
2nd of all i can do & talk about what i like on the forums,
all i said was i dont like his name cuz i hate cheaters.
3rd of all you all trash talkn about me dont effect me cuz this is just the internet if it was in real life in person i would wip your ***. Now learn some respect b4 opening your mouth
4th of all 95%-100% ppl that put cheater,hacker,glitcher in there name are in FACT do what there name say, i kno for a FACT cuz i been online gaming for 12years from PC, PS2, PS3, PSP & now also on Wii. so mabe he should not name himself cheater is all i am saying if he wont want to be called one then. i was not trying be a jerk till you all opened your mouth bashing me cuz i base my Fact on my 12years online gaming & rest you all owe me a sorry for talkn trash about me, cuz me & cheater been chating in private messages for 2days & he pretty cool guy. he also talked to me in private message with recpect & explained he not really a cheater & so on, while rest you acted childish & started bashing. so there for i have RESPECT for Cheater for being a real MAN & talking to me with Kind Respect. & ill keep talkn to Cheater in private messages & hope play with him in Mario Kart Wii.

You know, I don't really care about what people think about my name. My username is Cheater cuz I know people in this kind of forums don't like those kind of players. In fact i don't even care about cheaters/hackers or whatever.
*Sigh* Dude, I got nothing to say. I just don't give a f*** about comments, posts or replies... :)

Btw.. If my name is childish..then that would make sense cuz I'm 16. :D

LOL see i knew you was a child haha, like i said i been online gaming for 12years most online game for 1-2years newbys LMFAO, but yea, i replyed to ur private message, ic u borrowing mario kart Wii, its a fun *** game but watch out online there is hacked name players that hack the game & cheat they use unlimited power ups with out geting power up boxes & they can smap weapons like show 100 bombs & blue shells at you. but over all its fun game you should buy Mario Kart Wii to atleast play with friends & away from hackers on it =)
but as of now im hooked on an internet RPG/MMO called its 2D RPG but its fun & uses a free account & payed accounts =) im using free account waitn for my paycheck from my job then ill get memebership for the game. anyways cheater talk 2u soon
1st of all having a name as Cheater is childish.
2nd of all i can do & talk about what i like on the forums,
all i said was i dont like his name cuz i hate cheaters.
3rd of all you all trash talkn about me dont effect me cuz this is just the internet if it was in real life in person i would wip your ***. Now learn some respect b4 opening your mouth
4th of all 95%-100% ppl that put cheater,hacker,glitcher in there name are in FACT do what there name say, i kno for a FACT cuz i been online gaming for 12years from PC, PS2, PS3, PSP & now also on Wii. so mabe he should not name himself cheater is all i am saying if he wont want to be called one then. i was not trying be a jerk till you all opened your mouth bashing me cuz i base my Fact on my 12years online gaming & rest you all owe me a sorry for talkn trash about me, cuz me & cheater been chating in private messages for 2days & he pretty cool guy. he also talked to me in private message with recpect & explained he not really a cheater & so on, while rest you acted childish & started bashing. so there for i have RESPECT for Cheater for being a real MAN & talking to me with Kind Respect. & ill keep talkn to Cheater in private messages & hope play with him in Mario Kart Wii.
1st off isn't getting mad at someones name and accusing them of being a cheater also childish? 2nd of all you didn't stop at just calling him a cheater you called him a garbage player as well. 3rd after coming on here and insulting one of our team members and then demanding an apology from us, did you think any one would respect you for that? 4th of all Cheater doesn't cheat as you know now,and calling him a garbage player isn't being a jerk? and playing online for 12 years isn't necessarily grounds for calling him a cheater. and if defending your friends is childish then I'm the most childish person any one will ever meet.
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  • #307
Well, Texas is supposedly the toughest state to get a license. The permit here is a 30 question test and you have to take a drivers ed. class (I'm in it now). You also have lo log about 6 hrs. of at-home practice. And supposedly, the testers for the license at the DPS are really strict... I'm doing fine so far though.
Well, Texas is supposedly the toughest state to get a license. The permit here is a 30 question test and you have to take a drivers ed. class (I'm in it now). You also have lo log about 6 hrs. of at-home practice. And supposedly, the testers for the license at the DPS are really strict... I'm doing fine so far though.

well in Mass they trying to pass a law that if your a School Drop out & u did not finish high school all the way threw. you are NOT allowed to get a Drivers License.
& i agree with that if your going to be a low life loser & be a failur in life by droping out of school & not finishing High school then i agree your *** should not be able to be Driving.
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Well, coincidently I had my driving test here today and passed. The second time i've passed. 10 years ago i passed with flying colours in Australia (Automatic), Needed to get a UK licence and since they're pretty much all manual over here I decided to get a few lessons, brush up on clutch control and BINGO got me licence.

The routine over here is:

50 multiple choice questions (i got 46)

15 hazard perception 'thingys', where you have to hit the mouse button when you see the road situation ahead change on a computer screen. (i got 60/75, its wank)

The practical test with an examiner- I passed with 3 minor's. EASY.
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  • #312
The laws in Pennsylvania now is a 20 question test and 40 hours of permit driving before being eligible for drivers license. Then the drivers test is parallel park in to a spot and drive for a few miles with the instructor.
Well Hoot, looks like I'm coming your way on the 19th. Going to England and Scotland for a week and a half... It'd be funny if we saw each other and didn't even realize it.
hoot will be the guy walkin around with a newborn. good luck. i hope everything is going well for you and your new coming family. there a lot of fun.

gonna have a lil hoot soon. early congrats.

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