Faulty Wii? Hardware issues?

jus to let you know, for replacement/ repair policy in U.S.

two options:

1. Repair; send wii in to nintendo they will try to fix it for free

2. replacement; they send you a new wii, you put your old wii in the box the new one came in and send it back within 24 days or else they will charge your credit card. Only downside to this option is you lose all saved data unless you have it on a SD card.

both are free, even shipping

hope this helps
I had a problem with my wii remote's batteries dying, then the remote not working when i replaces the batteries(wouldnt resync). However, thanks to this forum it now works again ^_^ Pointing the remote at the sensor bar rather than the console or TV screen helps a lot. All I did was turn on the console, press the sync button on the console and the remote At the same time, while pointing the remote at the sensor bar. This worked like a charm. Sorry if repost.
Ninty Uk

Hi All,

I returned my console to Nintendo UK (at my own cost! :mad5: ) via Royal Mail Special D.

Checked with Royal Mail and it got delivered yesterday, called Ninty to make sure its been recorded as mine and they told me there is a 1 month back log on the post, and I should give it 2 weeks then call back again too see if it has been scanned yet!!!!! :mad5: :mad5:

WTF - UK Wii Customers are being screwed!
My Wiimote stops playing sounds at times when it should be. It's at max volume and when I turn up or down on the volume, the speaker doesn't produce any sound when it should. Any help into this would be appreciated. Also, it happens with new batteries put in.
Doc OC said:
My Wiimote stops playing sounds at times when it should be. It's at max volume and when I turn up or down on the volume, the speaker doesn't produce any sound when it should. Any help into this would be appreciated. Also, it happens with new batteries put in.

Try re-syncing your remote, i had that problem once and thats what i did to fix it.
years ago, i bought a Playstation 2 cooling fan (3rd-party) on Lik-sang i think (R.I.P.), and it's USB, so i had the idea of ripping off the fan out of the plastic holder.

what i got is:
-the tiny fan (with 4 holding holes on the corners, like a standard computer fan have)
-the wires (i have to force the tiny wires out of the hot glue used to stick the wires in place on the plastic, with a screwdriver, without damaging the wires)
-the USB connector.

it works fine on the Wii, but:

-there's no holding space (i need to hold the fan since i don't have a plastic case holding it)
-the wire is a bit too short
-it's esthetically ugly (as i said, no case...)
-best place to put the fan in at the air intake position, otherwise if you try putting the fan near the internal fan, while running, it force this one to spin faster, resulting in a big whoosh noise from the fan(s) spinning too fast, so it's not quiet, but that's because the fan i took spins too fast i think.

so Nyko would need to use a quiet fan for the Wii if they want to keep a balance between quietness and performance/cool system.
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That is awesome I'm waiting to go out and buy a smaller fan so that I can make it look pretty. Sorry for the late reply my Netgear took a sh1t and wireless was not working then I had a corrupt Winsock so I had to restore
Ouch, yeah i was looking at some 30mm fans on Newegg.com
match002001 said:
That is awesome I'm waiting to go out and buy a smaller fan so that I can make it look pretty. Sorry for the late reply my Netgear took a sh1t and wireless was not working then I had a corrupt Winsock so I had to restore

yeah...for some reason, when my computer freeze while in Windows XP and i press on Reset, the network driver get corrupted, and i have to uninstall and re-install the driver...

but it never froze while in Windows in the last 6 months. (it froze twice, a few months after i got the computer)

but yeah...we would need something to hold the fan in place, as big as the Wii, quiet, and if possible esthetically good-looking.

anyone know who made the small internal fan?
TheRealMrDuck said:
Hi All,

I returned my console to Nintendo UK (at my own cost! :mad5: ) via Royal Mail Special D.

Checked with Royal Mail and it got delivered yesterday, called Ninty to make sure its been recorded as mine and they told me there is a 1 month back log on the post, and I should give it 2 weeks then call back again too see if it has been scanned yet!!!!! :mad5: :mad5:

WTF - UK Wii Customers are being screwed!

Nintendo UK really are bad at the moment I was under the impression that Nintendo were really speedy with these sort of things I had no idea it would take this long if I'd have known I wouldn't have sent it in!
RaptorZX3 said:
yeah...for some reason, when my computer freeze while in Windows XP and i press on Reset, the network driver get corrupted, and i have to uninstall and re-install the driver...

but it never froze while in Windows in the last 6 months. (it froze twice, a few months after i got the computer)

but yeah...we would need something to hold the fan in place, as big as the Wii, quiet, and if possible esthetically good-looking.

anyone know who made the small internal fan?

Like anyone is really going to take their Wii apart... call nintendo and ask...
I have said it before and i will say it again, if you have a problem, CALL NINTENDO!!! They have the best customer service and will do the best they can to help you with your problem...
so does anybody know, if you send ur wii in for replacement do u also need to send in the receipt?

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