Faulty Wii? Hardware issues?

Ender said:
I wish Nintendo would put the fans to run on standby mode. It's not like you would hear them, they are so quiet when it's on and the disk isn't spinning.

that's exactly what i want too. the tiny fan is silent, well not 0dB silent, but fairly silent (more silent than the Gamecube fan).

i wonder if they can change this with a firmware update
I know dude That's another factor in the over heating issue that I found out while taking the temps.
wonder if u can get a small computer fan that runs off usb. I havent research it but would be good to have it in the back pointing at the wii
dcofty said:
wonder if u can get a small computer fan that runs off usb. I havent research it but would be good to have it in the back pointing at the wii

but the fan need to spin even in Standby mode...
In standby mode the USB ports still supply power. Just tested it with Wireless Mouse dongle. USB Fan is a possibility awesome idea dcofty :thumbsup:
I think match002001 that from what LE-FISH is saying he lives in the UK. Here in the UK Nintendo don't send out boxes for you to send your hardware back, you have to do it yourself. I mean from my experience anyway, I phoned Nintendo (I had to get in early and phone them as the lines opened) and they told me to just send it in. You might want to try to get in contact with them first but if I were you I'd just send it in.
Nicktendo86 said:
I think match002001 that from what LE-FISH is saying he lives in the UK. Here in the UK Nintendo don't send out boxes for you to send your hardware back, you have to do it yourself. I mean from my experience anyway, I phoned Nintendo (I had to get in early and phone them as the lines opened) and they told me to just send it in. You might want to try to get in contact with them first but if I were you I'd just send it in.

From what I understand in the US there are 2 different ways of handling an issue.

1.) You send in your Wii for repair

2.) They send you a box you put the Wii in it then ship it off then later on down the line you receive a new Wii.

I could be what I've heard.

you can go, in USA, to a UPS or FedEx post office and you just tell them it need to be sent for repair to Nintendo, and it's supposed to be free.

for Canada, it's Purolator
I am working on taking an old computer case fan and splicing it with a usb cable to put behind my wii. trying to make sure it will work at 5v since it's a 12v fan.
is it normal for the wii to make loud noises when playing some games?
mine gets pretty loud sometimes. also, game suggestions for VC?
the fan is so silent, when you have a game in, you hear the disk spinning :D

and yes, when the lens seeks on the disc, you hear it moves.

Wiiboy93 said:
My Wii also froze when I was playing Wii Sports but it hasnt happened lately so im not really worried

My Wii has never froze and it has no problems exept for the occasional lag. But thats normal right? Just got mine Thursday.
ive looked at that fan but didnt like it would a smaller one but thanks :)

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